Welcome to the Risk and Compliance Section – a member community designed to help people who manage compliance excel in what they do.

Save time, with everything you need to stay on top of your game all available in one place, including the Legal Compliance magazine, webinars, events, trusted resources, discounts and more.

We commission exclusive articles from leading practitioners and commentators, on all areas of risk and compliance, for our regular members-only newsletters.

  • The regulatory pitfalls in post-completion

  • Q&As – shortfalls on client account

  • My compliance career

  • An element of suspicion?

  • What the change in PEP regulations means for you

  • Challenges in sanctions compliance


Members of the Risk and Compliance Section can access events for a reduced rate.



Webinar: managing risks around source of funds

Sharpen your understanding of the significance of and requirements surrounding client due diligence in relation to source of wealth (SOW) and source of funds (SOF).


Webinar: underground banking and informal value transfer system

Watch this webinar to bring you up to date on the risks and red flags associated with money laundering through underground banking.

Key member benefit - Legal Compliance magazine

Legal Compliance magazine cover - April 2024

Your membership includes a subscription to the quarterly magazine, Legal Compliance, available to you both online and in print.

Law Society library


Gain a competitive edge and give the best possible legal advice with the trusted resources and support available through the Law Society library.

As a section member you are entitled to the following library benefits***:

* Subject to standard page limits, terms and conditions and for current judicial proceedings or non-commercial purposes.

** Including additional research on top of the standard 30 minutes, the Lawdocs Service (first item free), and printing and photocopying services.

***All benefits are valid until 31 December 2025. Applies to all Law Society Section members, and members must state from initial contact that they are a current Section member when requesting any of these services.

Risk and Compliance accreditation

We have produced exam preparation training courses to prepare you for our Risk and Compliance accreditation exams. Our range of courses run from 12 to 15 September.

Book now

Contact us

For more information on how we can support you, please get in touch.

Contact us