AI – the data risks
With artificial intelligence much in the news lately, Robert Bond considers the data protection risks it presents to law firms
Consultancy matters
Lucy Trevelyan looks at the increasing popularity of the consultancy model of providing legal services
Regulating behaviour
Jessica Clay and Lucinda Soon summarise how the SRA can regulate solicitors’ behaviour in and out of the workplace, and analyse in what circumstances they will choose to take action
In-house risk
Tracey Calvert revisits the regulatory obligations for in-house lawyers
Insurance matters
The Building Safety Act 2022 has introduced new risks and the impact on the PI insurance market is still unknown. Piers Winton, director at Paragon International Insurance Brokers, looks at what’s in the Act and outlines the risks it poses for law firms
Open justice
Nigel West considers the case of SRA v Bretherton regarding open justice