News and Updates
Cleaning house
The government has turned its eye to change in the residential housing sector, from ensuring sufficient supply, to addressing escalating ground rents. Warren Gordon explains
You should know better
Wayne Johnson explains how elements of the know-your-client process could be automated to reduce costs, increase productivity, free up human experts to apply their experience and judgement, and protect firms against money laundering
Party politics
With residential extensions becoming more popular, conveyancers are more likely to encounter works authorised under the Party Wall Act 1996. Andrew Smith explains how the act works and offers some practice points
Capital idea
The rule around exemption from capital gains tax on our homes seems simple, but actually has a number of complexities. Jim Meakin explains
Brick by brick
Self- and custom-build are becoming increasingly common. Charlie Blagbrough argues that this development could reinject diversity into house building and supply, and explains how the lending process works in this market
After the fire
Following the Grenfell fire, freeholders and leaseholders are facing significant difficulties in ensuring their homes are safe and that defective cladding is replaced. Oliver Pannell provides an update on the government’s response and recent case law
Street smarts
HM Land Registry is working to harness technology to improve the homebuying process for both the public and solicitors. Eddie Davies provides an update on its digital projects, including Digital Street
Winning streak
Conveyancing firm AVRillo has received a host of industry awards and effusive praise on consumer review websites. Co-founder and partner Angelo Piccirillo explains the secrets of its success to Duncan Wood
Support system
Russell Hewitson, chair of the Conveyancing and Land Law Committee, provides an update on the committee’s work representing and supporting the profession, including around leasehold, fraud and the electronic execution of documents
Setting off
How can conveyancing solicitors turn one-off property transactions into fruitful, long-term relationships for their firm? Rachel Brushfield provides a beginner’s guide to cross-referring between practice areas.
The twilight zone
Practitioners acting for purchasers in commercial property transactions face a challenge around finding out if the seller is insolvent. Amanda Eilledge explains the situation and proposes a potentially controversial solution