Under the hammer
The planning and real estate teams at CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP outline the government’s high street rental auction policy, and considers its desired effect on vacant properties
A new lease?
Nikki Bensoor looks at a significant case on landlords’ break rights in protected lease renewals
Occupational hazard?
Owners of commercial properties are increasingly using ‘property guardians’ to protect vacant premises. Samuel Lear and Christopher Gothard outline the pros and cons
A private function
In February 2023, the Supreme Court held that visual intrusion by the viewing gallery in the Tate Modern’s Blavatnik Building was a private nuisance against those living in a nearby block of flats. Joanna Williams and Joseph Skilton consider the impact of the verdict
Rent recovery
Now that the post-COVID-19 legislation introduced to deal with rent arrears no longer applies, Lucie Barnes revisits what the usual recovery methods are and considers the circumstances in which they are appropriate
Counting the cost
Lucy Trevelyan reports on the effect of the cost of living crisis – and other factors such as new government regulation – on the UK’s commercial property market
Government consults on data on land control
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government has published a call for evidence on its proposals to improve the transparency of contractual mechanisms, such as land options
Government responds to the public consultation on the European Electronic Communications Code
In 2019, the government consulted on its proposed approach to implementation of the European Electronic Communications Code Directive.The government has now published its reponse to the consultation
Government publishes new voluntary Code of Practice for the commercial property sector
The code, published on 19 June 2020, is intended to reinforce and promote good practice in relationships between landlords and tenants as they deal with the income shocks caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
CLLS updates commercial development management agreement
The City of London Law Society has launched the second edition of its development management agreement (with ancillary asset management services)