Practice management

Piggy bank

Surviving the perfect storm: how client funding options will improve your bottom line

2021-04-22T12:02:00+01:00Sponsored content

With law firms anticipating a drop in income of up to 20%, Jim Sisson, finance director at Tower Street Finance, explains how working with an innovative probate lender that truly understands the sector benefits both your private client practice and your client.


Library staff are still here to help


Library staff are working from home to provide a limited enquiry and document delivery service from Monday to Friday, between 10am to 4pm.

Graham Murphy

Think ahead


Graham Murphy explains how the Law Society has been raising the profile of private client practitioners among consumers

WIQS update


The Wills and Inheritance Quality Scheme (WIQS) launched by the Law Society earlier this year is fast approaching the 100-member mark

New consumer contracts regulations


New consumer protection regulations which came into force on 13 June will apply to solicitors’ retainers entered into on or after that date. Solicitors will need to review their standard retainers, client care letters and model agreements.


Looking for a will?


If you are looking for a missing will, the first port of call will probably be local solicitors or law society. However, if the firm holding the will has been subject to an intervention by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), its closed files will be stored by the SRA. The ...


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