Elderly Client

Melinda Giles - bbc breakfast 03052023

Melinda Giles, PCS committee member, featured on BBC Breakfast to discuss LPAs


Following a report about lasting powers of attorney and dementia, Melinda Giles pressed the importance of sorting an LPA early, picking the right attorney and getting advice from a specialised solicitor.


Investment by attorneys in discretionary management schemes clarified by OPG


The Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) has agreed to change its guidance on express provision for the management of investments via a discretionary investment provider within a financial lasting power of attorney (LPA).

Elderly hands

Care Act funding reforms pushed back to 2020


The introduction of a cap on social care costs - a key government election manifesto - is postponed after outcry from local authorities

Elderly hand

Care Act 2014 comes in force on 1 April


A reminder that most provisions in the Care Act 2014, the first overhaul of social care statute in England for more than 60 years, come into force on 1 April 2015.

Elderly women

Council budget cuts may force elderly to sell homes, LGA warns


The Local Government Association (LGA) has warned that reduced funding to implement care reforms could force elderly and disabled people to sell their homes in order to pay for care. The warning is in light of Department of Health (DH) figures which indicate that the government has lowered its £5.6bn ...

Esther Rantzen

Lifeline for the lonely: Esther Rantzen talks to us about The Silver Line


Journalist and campaigner Esther Rantzen has launched a nationwide helpline for elderly people who struggle with loneliness. Before speaking at the Elderly Client Care Conference last month, she discussed with PS how private client solicitors can play their part too.


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