Comment from the chair
It’s good to talk
Sarah Robinson looks at the year so far, and the future plans for the Private Client Solicitors Section
Being taken for granted
Ian Bond looks at the recent performance of the Probate Registry in receiving and issuing grants and assesses action by HM Courts & Tribunals Service to improve
Step change
Roman Kubiak discusses administrative provisions in wills, following the recent launch of the third edition of the STEP Provisions
A matter of trust
Following the recent government consultation on transparency of land ownership involving trusts, private client lawyers share their views on the implications of the changes for advising clients
Fair play
Alicia Tan and Carmen Barragan Lopez consider whether the claims of a surviving spouse upon the family assets should be equal to that of a divorced spouse
Empty promise?
Penelope Reed and Elis Gomer consider proprietary estoppel claims
Protect and serve
Cate Searle and Clare English examine considerations needed before selling a protected party’s property
When life imitates art
Is the increased media coverage of succession planning influencing what people do? Elizabeth Gibbison and Richard Smaller investigate
Keeping on top of AML
Amy Bell explains how private client lawyers can make sure they are compliant with anti-money laundering regulations
Fall from favour
Stephen Lawson, with Andrew Bishop, shares the steps you should take if you are asked to renounce your position as an executor