All Leadership and Management articles – Page 24

  • Leanne Yendell

    Open market


    Law firms have less than six weeks to ensure they comply with the General Data Protection Regulation. As part of our series of articles, Leanne Yendell explains the changes her firm has made to ensure its marketing communications comply

  • Alastair Beddow

    On the map


    A third of firms say improving client experience is their top strategic priority. Client journey mapping provides a simple, structured process for delivering more consistent client service and enhancing profitability, argue Alastair Beddow and Ben Kent

  • people watered and growing

    Young at heart


    Nurturing and developing new talent isn’t just altruistic: it can bring real benefits to your business and help set both you and them up for future success. Nicola Jones explains

  • Andrew Otterburn

    A picture of health


    Financial stability is making headlines: a string of big names have declared insolvency in recent months, many after issuing profit warnings. Andrew Otterburn provides a simple guide to measuring and monitoring your firm’s financial health

  • people with thumbs up

    The pursuit of happiness


    Would you consider your firm a happy place to work? Do you think your people feel the same way? It’s too easy to focus on success, to the exclusion of happiness, says Nick Jarrett-Kerr. So how can you make your firm a great place to work?

  • digits falling from a cloud into a box

    Future shock?


    The legal press is full of stories about emerging technology, but is it really beneficial – and viable – for small to medium-sized firms? Dan Taylor believes it is, and that firms which don’t innovate now risk getting left behind

  • ann-harrison2-380x253

    A weather eye


    Ann Harrison took over as chair of the Law Management Section in February 2018. Snowed in by the Beast from the East, she reflects on the benefits of good management principles, and how the sector is changing

  • Barry Wilkinson

    Choice morsels


    Barry Wilkinson reviews a recent book on how to become the firm of choice, which takes the innovative approach of presenting its lessons through a case study of a firm wanting to make radical change

  • lms financial benchmarking survey 2018 cover

    The bearer of good news


    This year, for the first time, the Law Management Section’s Financial Benchmarking Survey report is free for all practices. And the results show continued improvements across the market. Andy Harris explains

  • Jake Fox

    Plan ahead


    The subject of succession planning is one that law firms are spending a lot of time considering, so just be aware of the implications on your PII cover, writes Jake Fox

  • macbook

    Best of the web – March 2018


    This month’s round-up of best practice management comment, features, and news from across the web includes articles on wellbeing and mental health, leadership, and technology and innovation. 

  • suit handshake

    Should your firm team up with an IFA?


    With accountancy firms moving into legal work, and unregulated legal advice on the rise, the competitive pressure on law firms is getting more intense. Could joining forces with independent financial advisers be the answer? Ian Muirhead presents his case.

  • clarity

    Clarity for Lawyers: book review


    Peter Todd, training partner at Hodge Jones & Allen LLP, explains why Clarity for Lawyers by Mark Adler and Daphne Perry, now in its 3rd edition, is a must-read for all lawyers. 

  • best of the web 0118 390x234

    Best of the web – February 2018


    This month’s round-up of best practice management comment, features, and news from across the web includes articles on financial management at law firms, motivation at work, owning up to workplace mistakes, business development, innovation and more.

  • andrew kimble

    Just the job


    The GDPR is just four months away. Firms may already be prepared for major changes to how they handle client data, but do you know it also applies to data on your people? Andrew Kimble and Dan Fawcett provide a guide for managing partners and HR professionals

  • mike scott 140x94

    Follow my lead


    As a law firm manager and leader, you need to ask yourself one key question: why should your team follow you? Mike Scott provides some top tips for earning the respect of your people and being an effective leader

  • haddon rees

    Flying start


    Are you looking for a way to improve your performance and outperform your competition in 2018? Nigel Haddon and Rob Lees explain how and why you should appoint a non-executive director for your firm.

  • larry cattle

    Sliced and diced


    Larry Cattle looks at the value of small insights gained from research with your potential and current clients, and how it can make a big difference to client attraction and retention

  • Feature

    Cracking the codes


    The Solicitors Regulation Authority is set to introduce a new compliance regime, and the changes are the most significant since 2011. Paul Bennett outlines the proposals and their potential impact, to help you plan ahead

  • sally azarmi

    Ringing the changes


    January is, of course, a traditional time to take stock of the year past and look to the year ahead. So what did 2017 mean for small firms, and what might the new year hold? Sally Azarmi considers