All Leadership and Management articles – Page 19

  • Ann Harrison

    Topical application


    Law Management Section chair Ann Harrison outlines the topics we will be focusing on in the upcoming year, including the new regulatory regime

  • Brian Cullen 600x400

    Group action


    Duncan Wood talks to Brian Cullen, CEO of north-west law firm the Jackson Lees Group, about rebranding, its ambitious expansion programme, and change management

  • Fork in the road: Brexit and the choice facing Britain in March 2019

    No-deal Brexit preparation in Europe


    Alex Storer explains how we’ve been protecting the interests of our members working in Europe – and the current situation for UK lawyers in Belgium, France, Germany, Spain and Switzerland.

  • Pointing to map

    Law Society releases practice notes on SRA Standards and Regulations


    The Solicitors Regulation Authority’s Standards and Regulations are effective from 25 November 2019.

  • Child's hands holding leaky bucket

    Leaky talent bucket – what causes talent retention problems?


    Many law firms, especially small and medium-sized firms are experiencing problems retaining talent. In the second of a two-part series, Rachel Brushfield examines the common causes of talent drain.

  • Smart shoes standing in autumm leaves

    How to approach insurance renewal – a guide for practice managers


    As the October deadline for professional indemnity insurance renewal approaches, Martin MacHale offers a guide on how to make sure your firm is properly supported in case of potential claims – and why you should not leave renewal to the last minute.

  • rachel brushfield

    Retaining young talent in law firms – part one


    Attracting and retaining the right talent is one of the most business-critical issues affecting law firms. In the first of a two-part series, Rachel Brushfield looks at how firms need to rethink their practices in order to successfully attract and retain young talent in fast-changing times.

  • megaphone loudhailer

    Changes to your website, magazine and e-newsletters


    This summer, we are making changes to the Law Management Section magazine, website and e-newsletters

  • Richard Burnham

    Young voices


    There have been a number of controversial recent cases at the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal involving junior lawyers pressured into making unethical decisions. Richard Burnham looks at how law firms can create an ethical culture and support millennials in making ethical decisions

  • Rosy Rourke

    Be prepared


    The new SRA Accounts Rules will come into force on 25 November 2019. Rosy Rourke of Armstrong Watson outlines the changes, and what law firms should be doing now to prepare

  • Ann Harrison

    A spring in our step


    Law Management Section chair Ann Harrison looks back at a busy spring for the Section, including our annual conference, the publication of our new Financial Benchmarking Survey, and a redesign of our magazine

  • Innovate - man plugs in a lightbulb with a question mark

    What’s new?


    So you want to be innovative? But where should you start? In the first of a two-part series, Katherine Thomas looks at what innovation is, why it matters, and how to do it effectively

  • Mark Briegal

    Scale model


    Law firms outside the top 50 are the new ‘squeezed middle’. The burden of regulation is increasing, key practice areas are being commoditised, and closing is complicated and expensive. That’s where consolidators can come in. Mark Briegal and Nigel Haddon explain 

  • Dr Zara Whysall

    Impaired vision


    Unconscious bias in a business can impair good decision-making. Dr Zara Whysall looks at its impact on decisions about appointing and promoting leaders, and how law firms can minimise unconscious biases

  • Suzie Stanley

    Hearts and minds


    Lawyers have traditionally been taught to be sceptical of emotions. Studies have shown that they score highly in intelligence but below average in emotional intelligence. Suzie Stanley explains the benefits of emotional intelligence and how to develop it in yourself

  • Mental health - head filled with words "support", "mental health", "resilience", "mindfulness", "training initiatives" and "policies"

    Picture of health


    What can law firms do to help their people with stress and to create and support a mentally healthy workplace? Lucy Trevelyan investigates

  • Zulon Begum

    Raising your game


    From partner capital calls to public listing, there are many options for law firms looking to raise capital for growth and investment. Zulon Begum looks at the challenges and benefits of each approach

  • Robert Camp

    Driving success


    Robert Camp is outgoing managing partner of award-winning south-west firm Stephens Scown and its new director of strategic innovation. He talks to Diana Bentley about how postcards, milk and campervans have supported the firm’s success

  • Path leading off to horizon

    Broader horizons


    Are you considering retirement, or just feeling dissatisfied with a career only as a solicitor, and thinking about exploring other opportunities? Rachel Brushfield looks at some of the different career options open to senior solicitors

  • Helen Goatley

    Outside the box


    What are the benefits to a law firm of non-executive directors? Helen Goatley outlines why her firm chose this route, and two of the firm’s non-execs provide a personal perspective