Due to the current global situation the Law Management Section Annual Conference 2020 was cancelled. One of our keynote speakers was to be Nick Jarrett-Kerr who is a specialist adviser to law firms and professional services firms world-wide on issues of strategy, governance and leadership development as well as all important business issues facing firms as they compete in difficult market conditions.

Nick is a member of Edge International, a leading global consultancy to law firms. Over the last two decades, he has established himself as one of the leading UK and international advisers to law firms. He has been involved full-time in professional service firm management for over twenty-five years.

Nick has created a four-part webinar series to help you and your team plan for recovery in these uncertain times. The series will address financial stability and restoring balance, trust management with clients and planning for the future.

The material is delivered in bite sized sessions that will give you the information you need now more than ever. 

Episode One - First Steps to Recovery

  • Crisis Management and Financial Resilience
  • Essential Planning Points
  • Restoring Equilibrium


Episode Two - Interfacing with Clients

  • Client Contact in an era of social distancing
  • Building, Developing and Renewing Trust and Confidence
  • Communicating with Empathy


Episode Three - Spotting Potent Opportunities

  • Reviewing practice areas for opportunities and threats
  • Redeploying Staff
  • Building an Action Plan


Episode Four - Business Planning in a Changed World

  • Reviewing operations and resources for flexibility, resilience and a fresh start
  • Developing bold but well thought out Strategies
  • The essentials of a business plan for critical times


If you would like to learn more about Nick and his work, please visit his website.