Value creation and AI – a race to the bottom?
For the better part of 12 months, artificial intelligence has been the talk of the town. Though beneficial, many have their concerns about what AI could mean for the future of the legal sector
The benefits of specialist VAT loans
Managing cashflow and tax liability is one of the most significant hurdles for law firms. Law Society partner, STAR Professions, looks at how specialist VAT loans can help ease the burden
Exit strategy
Jeff Zindani discusses how to ensure the successful sale of a legal business, the questions to first ask yourself, and ways to ensure both the best price and a lasting legacy for your hard work
Raising your game
From partner capital calls to public listing, there are many options for law firms looking to raise capital for growth and investment. Zulon Begum looks at the challenges and benefits of each approach
Share and share alike
New coworking and shared workspaces are popping up all over England and Wales. But can they work for law firms? Sally Azarmi outlines the benefits she’s found since she started coworking
The road ahead
Members of the Law Management Section committee led sessions at a roadshow this winter to highlight the opportunities and challenges in the year ahead for law firm financial advisers and finance directors. Andrew Otterburn reports back
Turning over a new leaf
The Law Management Section’s Finance and Business Forum takes place this November. Simon McCrum provides a sneak peek of what he’ll be talking about in his session: why turnover is the wrong measure of a law firm’s success