All Leadership and Management articles – Page 17

  • Jo-Anne Wild

    Bring out the best


    ‘Bring your own device’ policies can bring real benefits, from increased productivity to costs savings. But there are also risks – and since employees always find ways to make their lives easier, you’re probably already at risk without knowing it. Jo-Anne Wild provides a simple guide for law firms

  • Beauty-600x400

    The eye of the beholder


    You may think you can change your brand by changing your logo, but brand is far more about how clients and staff – both current and potential – perceive you. Ben Trott looks at how to understand and influence your firm’s brand

  • Laptop, iPad

    COVID-19 legal relief initiative


    In response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, Law Society partner Clio has launched a $1million USD legal relief initiative.

  • HMRC1

    IR35 changes delayed to 2021


    Following a review of its plans in January 2020, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has confirmed that changes to off-payroll working rules known as IR35 in the private sector will go ahead.

  • Brokenpiggy

    Closure of the Solicitors’ Indemnity Fund


    The Solicitors’ Indemnity Fund will close on 30 September 2020. This may leave former principles of law firms liable for future claims. Make sure you’re prepared.

  • employment

    IR35 change: rules to apply only to services provided after 6 April


    HM Revenue & Customs has announced an amendment to its changes to IR35, the off-payroll working rules: instead of applying to all payments made after 6 April 2020, the changes will only apply to payments made for services delivered after 6 April 2020

  • Regulation stock

    Law Society responds to independent review of legal services regulation


    We have responded to Stephen Mayson’s interim report, expressing our concerns that the proposals would lead to a less coherent alternative to the existing regime

  • money laundering

    What you need to know about AMLD5


    The EU’s 5th Money Laundering Directive (AMLD5) came into force on 10 January 2020. The Legal Sector Affinity Group (LSAG), which includes the Law Society and all the legal sector supervisors named in the anti-money laundering regulations, has published a summary of changes brought in by AMLD5

  • Magnifying Glass image

    Government reviewing IR35 changes


    In April, changes are due to come into force relating to the payment of contractors and other off-payroll workers. On 7 January 2020, the government announced that it will be reviewing the process for the implementation of the changes

  • Data - blocks of data being fed through funnel into measuring beaker

    Test subject


    Law firms have so much management information at their fingertips, but many focus on just a couple of financial metrics. John Humpherson and Barry Wilkinson look at how to use management information to improve your business processes

  • rebecca-atkinson-600x400

    On the same side


    In the first of a two-part series on complaints, Rebecca Atkinson looks at some of the reasons why clients complain, and how to avoid complaints by focusing on providing ‘good’ service in key areas

  • Ben Trott

    Search and rescue


    Ben Trott provides a beginner’s guide to search engine optimisation – what it is, how it can help you win new clients, and the pitfalls to watch out for

  • Zulon Begum

    Sparring partner


    Zulon Begum, Nicholas Hawkins and Rob Hind look at some of the common issues around dealing with allegations of partner misconduct in law firms

  • Access - sunset landscape inside profile of person's head

    The long view


    Are you contemplating appointing apprentices for the first time, or broadening your use of apprentices? What can you learn from firms already on the journey? Diana Bentley reports

  • Potential - man in suit standing at edge of spotlight

    Seeing the light


    Identifying talent and potential in current and prospective staff is key to ensuring your firm is fit for the future, says Dr Amanda Potter. But how can you design a process that really works for your firm?

  • Paul Bennett

    Human interest


    The new SRA Standards and Regulations have made significant changes relating to referral arrangements, and clarified the regulator’s core view: that all referral arrangements must be in the client’s best interest. Paul Bennett explains

  • Yarman Vachha

    Zero hero


    Zero-based budgeting is often seen as a cost-cutting exercise, but used strategically, it can help you grow your business. Yarman Vachha explains the benefits of the approach, and how to implement it in your firm

  • Scott Campbell

    Pay heed


    In April, the government is planning to make changes to IR35 – the rules around the tax treatment of off-payroll contractors. Scott Campbell explains the changes, and how they could apply to your firm

  • Come together - two people greeting eachother over a wall

    Come together


    Martin Griffiths and Sally Calverley provide an introduction to collaboration in law firms, from the hurdles to the benefits 

  • John Niland

    Worthy cause


    In the second of his series on self-worth, John Niland looks at how law firm partners and managers can develop self-worth in others, and the benefits this can bring to your business