All Feature articles – Page 48

  • Right foot- person with tablet looking at construction site

    On the right foot


    In the first in a series on what property solicitors need to know about different phases of the development process, Gavin Le Chat looks at the importance of a site inspection and other preliminary investigations

  • Data - building made of binary code

    The fine print


    In November, real estate company Deutsche Wohnen SE was hit with a fine of €14.5m under the General Data Protection Regulation. Clare Harman Clark looks at the role of property solicitors in helping their clients abide by the regulation

  • Richard Mathias

    Home fee


    Richard Mathias looks at the current state of referral fees in the property sector. What effect have they had in practice? Why is a ban on referral fees being considered? And how can the existing system be improved?

  • Richard Oliphant

    Digital watch


    Richard Oliphant looks at the emergence of cloud-based digital signatures. He argues that this development should help to allay concerns about the cross-border validity and enforcement of electronic signatures, and establish a new standard for executing client transactions

  • Warren Gordon

    Environmental cost


    From April 2020, it will be unlawful to continue to let a residential property with an energy performance certificate rating below E. Warren Gordon provides a timely update on the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards

  • Watercourse - house by river

    Clear water


    If you are acting for a buyer of a property on a water course, do you know the rights they might have, and the liabilities that might arise? Richard Bagwell outlines the principles

  • Chain of paper cutout - labelled "builder", "contractor", "subcontractor"

    Chapter and reverse


    The construction VAT reverse charge comes into force this October. Ronan Lowney and Michelle Essen explain the changes and what those involved in construction and development need to do next

  • Rent

    Under review


    Paul de la Piquerie and Rahul Varma look at some common rent review mechanisms and the issues they can create in practice

  • jigsaw with a missing piece

    Missing: date of presumed death


    When someone goes missing and is never found, the date of their presumed death can impact who inherits their property. Lesley King considers the issues that can arise.

  • assorted-color-stars-standards-and-regulations

    STARs and in-house practice – the key changes


    Bronwen Still shares her tips for in-house lawyers coping with the requirements of the SRA Standards and Regulations.

  • Sendemail

    The times they are a-changing . . . e-filing and detailed assessment


    Deborah Burke discusses ideas from a recent white paper on how to improve the detailed assessment process, and offers tips on getting to grips with electronic filing (or e-filing).

  • architecture-buildings-business-city-finance-money

    The 5th AML Directive - are you compliant?


    The 5th Anti-money Laundering Directive came into force in January, but it seems as though many organisations - law firms included - are lagging behind in their compliance. Dalbir Sahota of Accuity explains what changes and requirements the directive introduces, and what you need to do now to keep in ...

  • Chrissie Wolfe

    Making your way as a junior litigator: Chrissie Wolfe


    Chrissie Wolfe was highly commended in the Junior Lawyer of the Year category of our 2019 Excellence Awards. We asked about her path to qualifying as a international personal injury lawyer.

  • wills-a-practical-guide-king-gausden

    Prep talk


    Caroline Woodham reviews the second edition of a practical guide to preparing a will and avoiding the issues that can lead to litigation

  • Place in the sun - beach house next to sea

    A place in the sun


    Angharad Lynn looks at the issues involved when succession planning for clients with homes abroad

  • nick-latimir-600x400

    Needs must


    For parents of children with learning needs, planning for the time when they are no longer able to care for them can be daunting and difficult. Nick Latimir, who has a child with autism, details some of the options available 

  • Paul Saunders

    Let it be


    In a sluggish property market, it may be tempting for fiduciaries to let a property rather than allow it to stand empty and drain the value of an estate. But, as Paul Saunders explains, there are issues to consider, and regulatory and financial implications if you get it wrong 

  • Feature

    Junior league


    An anonymous junior lawyer lists some of the things they wish they’d known when first starting out in their career in private client practice

  • sophie-o-connell-600x400

    Instruction manual


    Private client solicitors are increasingly requesting capacity assessments for their clients. Sophie O’Connell discusses how to instruct a mental capacity assessor with Judy Wurr and Sarah Post, both experienced independent mental capacity assessors

  • fiona-du-feu-600x400

    Get the message


    In the second of a two-part article on effective client communication, Fiona du Feu looks at the different – and not always obvious – ways in which clients may be vulnerable, and how your firm can best support them