All Feature articles – Page 116

  • Alison Clair

    Money from home


    Alison Clair looks at property fraud, particularly where the property is retained, how mortgage lenders are combating it, and how solicitors and mortgage lenders can work together to stamp it out

  • Paul Clark

    Under the hammer


    Auction sales can be challenging even for the experienced property solicitor. Paul Clark explains how the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors’ Common Auction Conditions can help

  • Richard Mathias

    Life’s great mysteries


    Winning business is one of the biggest challenges in today’s hugely competitive market. But, as the results of a recent mystery shopping exercise show, many conveyancing firms are failing at this vital step. Richard Mathias outlines the lessons to learn

  • Fail to plan image

    Fail to plan


    Helping clients to understand how planning permission works can be challenging. Linda Russell provides a back to basics guide to what all property solicitors need to know about planning

  • End of the line image

    End of the line


    In a volatile market, flexibility is essential for business owners, including in terms of the premises from which they operate. Dalia Ross explains how to advise commercial tenants 
who may wish to terminate their leases early

  • Philip Hesketh

    On the edge


    Boundary disputes can be highly emotive for clients, leading them to expensive litigation over tiny areas of land. Philip Hesketh explains how mediation in such disputes can help both clients and solicitors

  • A house divided image

    A house divided


    An increasing number of people are buying property with someone who is not their spouse, and unless there is a declaration of trust in place to determine their beneficial shares of the property, problems could arise when they come to sell, or if they die. Fay Copeland explains

  • Taking control image

    Taking control


    The right to manage, which allows flat-owners to take over management of their building subject to certain criteria, is 10 years old this September. Christopher Sykes looks at its impact, the case law to date, and whether it is working in practice

  • Stephen Jewell

    Paper chase


    Stephen Jewell of HM Revenue & Customs outlines recent findings on common errors 
on paper stamp duty land tax returns

  • David Parton

    On the borderline


    David Parton and Anne Pacey explain the differences between Scottish and English conveyancing law and practice, and look at the advantages and disadvantages for buyers 
and sellers of the two very different systems

  • PS May 2013 cover

    PS May 2013


    This edition features deathbed wills, Hawes v Burgess on solicitors’ evidence, capacity to consent to sexual relationships, estate administration mistakes, referrals to financial advisers, the 2013 budget, international probate, holiday lettings businesses, pro bono work, pre-nups and matrimonial property regimes for international couples

  • Nigel Haddon

    From tip to toe


    Nigel Haddon reviews a new free e-book which aims to help firms to be more profitable through 12 ‘top tips’, covering everything from recruitment to instructing barristers

  • Sue Bramall

    Standing out


    Excellence in client service is a vital tool in the battle for business against new entrants to the legal profession with big marketing budgets. However, it can only be achieved with strong leadership and participation at every stage of the client experience, says Sue Bramall

  • Nick of time

    In the nick of time


    The news is full of horror stories about law firms going under, but if firms act as soon as they find themselves in trouble – and even before – they could avoid becoming just another statistic. Nick Jarrett-Kerr gives his 12 top tips for financial recovery

  • Joanna Kingston-Davies

    Source of inspiration


    Lees Solicitors, a mid-sized firm in the north-west, outsources everything from its ICT to its complaints-handling. Chief executive Joanna Kingston-Davies explains the benefits of the change, and how you can achieve them for your firm

  • Andrew Hedley

    Fit for purpose


    In the current flurry of merger activity, firms risk either feeling pressured into making a poor decision, or losing out by not being prepared to compromise. Andrew Hedley shows you how to walk the path in between and make the best choice possible for your firm

  • David Beech

    Here be Dragons


    David Beech of Knights Solicitors on securing private  equity investment

  • Building the future

    Building the future


    Tomorrow’s legal leaders face an uncertain future, with changes already under way to everything from training culture to the competitive environment. So how can they – and all solicitors – equip themselves for the road ahead? Chrissie Lightfoot reports

  • Buzzwords

    Beyond the buzzwords


    Joanna Goodman looks at how mid-sized law firms are choosing between the seemingly endless range of technology options, to develop their business, serve clients and equip themselves for the changing market

  • Helen Broughton

    Back to basics: Cashflow


    Knowing your worst and best cashflow months will help you decide when to make additional items of expenditure and how to negotiate overdrafts