All Feature articles – Page 114

  • Richard Burcher

    A valuable commodity


    Richard Burcher pushes back against the perception that property work has become commoditised, and explains how the approach taken to communicating with clients about the cost of legal services can make all the difference in how a firm’s services are valued

  • Chris Hall

    Passing the buck?


    Chris Hall explains the new responsibilities likely to be imposed on landlords in an attempt to deter illegal immigration, and raises questions about the impact of the scheme, which he warns could become a revenue-generating exercise for government

  • Ian White

    The fightback begins


    Ian White experienced a surprisingly positive mood among embattled practitioners at the Property Section’s annual conference. He reports on the new weapon being developed for the solicitors’ profession as it seeks to fend off competition from other providers

  • Amanda Stevens

    Can I get a witness?


    Amanda Stevens’ top tips on being an effective expert witness in a post-Jackson litigation landscape

  • PS November 2013 cover

    PS November 2013


    This edition features tax advice in Mehjoo v Harben Barker, lay OPG deputies and attorneys, proprietory estoppel and TOLATA claims in Creasey v Sole, probate software, contested probate, working with LGBT clients, PI claims and means-tested benefits, FATCA, family businesses, and international probate (including Jersey and Belgium)

  • Gary Jones

    Office politics


    Now that legal business has woken up to the need for overarching operations managers in the guise of chief operating officer or operations director, the sector might be ready for even bigger change. Gary Jones explains

  • Richard Lane

    Under the microscope


    For the busy manager of a law firm, few things cause more upset than the unwelcome news that the Forensic Investigation Unit is planning to visit. So what should you expect if it happens to you? Richard Lane explains

  • Helen Broughton

    Private lives


    Six months on from the major changes to family legal aid, many firms are still grappling with the move from legal aid to private clients. Helen Broughton explains some of the management and financial challenges, and how to deal with them

  • Sue Bramall

    Who you know


    Your client information is key to generating new business, but too few law firms harness this information effectively. Sue Bramall explains how to use client relationship management tools – from basic spreadsheets to bespoke solutions – to build your business

  • Mark Brandon

    Knocked sideways


    Making lateral hires may seem like a simple way to grow your business, but if you get it wrong – and most firms do – the consequences could be dire. Mark Brandon outlines the pitfalls, and how to avoid them in your firm. 

  • Insider Knowledge

    Insider knowledge


    Competitive intelligence can help you to avoid surprises, think several moves ahead of your rivals and minimise uncertainty when making business decisions. Graeme Dixon explains how you can set up a competitive intelligence function in your firm

  • Andrew Kwan

    Give it to me straight


    Andrew Kwan explains how and why his law firm, Manchester-based Clear Law Solicitors, reworded its documents in plain English, and the benefits it has brought the firm and its clients

  • Made for each other

    Made for each other?


    Getting and keeping a corporate client is a lot like the dating game – you have to make your choice, get picked, and keep communicating and giving to keep the relationship going. Diana Bentley offers some tips for finding – and keeping – your perfect partner

  • Matt Rhodes

    When disaster strikes


    The threats from natural or man-made disasters and cyber-hacking make IT disaster recovery planning a critical subject for modern law firms. Matt Rhodes looks at some options for protecting your systems and data

  • Ian Brown

    Golden Brown


    Wosskow Brown managing partner, Ian Brown, on securing new banking facilities worth nearly £2m

  • Building Blocks

    Building blocks


    Becoming a partner no longer automatically equals a secure and prosperous career; ongoing work on your own skills is essential to long-term success. Ava Madon looks at three key aspects of personal development

  • Deborah Atkins

    Back to front


    Deborah Atkins explains how streamlining back office processes through new technology can free up time for HR staff to focus on attraction and retention, developing fee-earners’ skills and improving client satisfaction

  • Lees Solicitors

    Social climbers


    Being Tweetwise: one manager explains how to get the most out of Twitter for your firm

  • PS September 2013 cover

    PS September 2013


    This edition features will-drafting, LPAs and CoP cases, contentious probate, invalid wills, asset protection trusts, business development, international probate, professional negligence, trustees’ decisions, taxation, advance decisions and HWLPAs, capacity to marry, paying for long-term care, end-of-life care, pre-nups, and IHT reliefs for farming families

  • Matthew Stimson

    New tricks


    The Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013 heralds a number of changes to the law relating to listed buildings. Matthew Stimson explains