Booking is open for our elderly and vulnerable client care conference 2019, which will take place on 18 October at the Law Society in London.
Designed to help you give comprehensive, informed and practical advice to your clients, our one-day conference will include cross-sector discussions of the recent developments and trends in the law.
The conference brings together a range of speakers experienced in dealing with the unique challenges of elderly and vulnerable clients, including:
- solicitors
- barristers
- health and social care experts
- policy makers
- academics and charities.
Sessions include:
- deliberate deprivation – what it is and when it becomes an issue
- an introduction to safeguarding
- mediation in the Court of Protection
- releasing documents (considering GDPR and client confidentiality as well as acting in your client’s best interests)
- welfare deputyship.
Who should attend
This event is aimed at the following:
- private client specialists
- heads of private client departments.
This event is discounted for Private Client Section members. Early bird booking fees are available until 18 April 2019.
Join the Private Client Section today for just £199.
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