All Dispute Resolution articles – Page 5
Making your way as a judge: David Stevens
David Stevens is a deputy district judge and was also appointed as a recorder in September 2019. We asked about his path to joining the judiciary.
Update on legal practitioner keyworkers
Advocates and solicitors who work on imminent or ongoing court or tribunal hearings are included in the government’s list of key workers during the current coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice and updates
We know members will have questions about the implications of COVID-19. We’re keeping the coronavirus situation under review. Our online resources will be updated regularly to reflect the most recent guidance
Whiplash reforms delayed to August 2020
The launch of the new portal for whiplash claims has been delayed from April to August 2020.
Closure of the Solicitors’ Indemnity Fund
The Solicitors’ Indemnity Fund will close on 30 September 2020. This may leave former principles of law firms liable for future claims. Make sure you’re prepared.
The times they are a-changing . . . e-filing and detailed assessment
Deborah Burke discusses ideas from a recent white paper on how to improve the detailed assessment process, and offers tips on getting to grips with electronic filing (or e-filing).
Making your way as a junior litigator: Chrissie Wolfe
Chrissie Wolfe was highly commended in the Junior Lawyer of the Year category of our 2019 Excellence Awards. We asked about her path to qualifying as a international personal injury lawyer.
What happened in the world of clinical negligence litigation in 2019?
James Bell of Hodge Jones & Allen offers a personal take on developments in medical negligence, including significant recent cases and proposed changes to fixed fees.
Success story: Client service in serious injury cases
The judges at the 2019 Excellence Awards were impressed by CFG Law’s ‘Client First Service’, which focuses on understanding the needs and wellbeing of clients who have suffered a catastrophic injury. We asked Richard Clark, chief executive officer, about the firm’s approach.
Changes to your website and e-newsletters
This summer, we are making changes to the Civil Litigation Section website and e-newsletters.
Penalised for putting things right
Law firms may no longer be able to correct mistakes at their own expense but will instead have to insist that clients take independent legal advice – according to a recent Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal decision (Howell-Jones LLP (11846-2018)).
Reforming fixed recoverable costs
As the government consultation on extending fixed recoverable costs in civil cases in England and Wales comes to a close, Sir Rupert Jackson considers the benefits and drawbacks of the costs regime in Germany.
Funding litigation for intellectual property disputes
Rosie Patterson explains how litigation funding for intellectual property (IP) disputes can work for both clients and lawyers.
My legal life: Mr Justice Birss
Mr Justice Birss is the Supervising Judge for the Midland, Wales and Western Circuits. We asked him about his legal career and the trends he has noticed in the Business and Property Courts.
Changes to the Financial Ombudsman Service
Thomas Bell and James Hall discuss the Financial Ombudsman Service’s expanded jurisdiction.
Success story: student law firm
Sheffield Hallam University has created its own law firm, SHU Law, to offer students ‘real life work experience’ during their studies. We asked Sally Mallinson-Ayres how it will work.
Good compliance: how to avoid client complaints
Michelle Garlick offers a quick guide for litigators on how to avoid complaints, focusing on what good compliance and client care look like.
My legal life: Senior Master Fontaine
We ask Senior Master Fontaine about her legal career, and learn about some of the more unusual parts of her role as the Queen’s Remembrancer.
What’s changing in clinical negligence litigation?
James Bell provides an update on developments in medical negligence, including significant recent cases, and proposed changes to fixed fees and the discount rate
SRA delays launch of new regulatory regime to November
The new regulatory regime, replacing the SRA Handbook with new SRA Standards and Regulations, will now come into force on 25 November 2019