All Dispute Resolution articles – Page 9
Contentious probate update - 2017 (part 3)
With Inheritance Act claims and will disputes being the order of the day in the first few months of the year, trusts, anonymity and judicial discretion seem to be the flavour of the spring and summer months.
Intermediate track: scope and procedure
Kerry Underwood sets out the scope and procedure of the new intermediate track recommended by Lord Justice Jackson to deal with civil litigation.
The 92nd CPR update: what's new?
The 92nd update to the Civil Procedure Rules came into force on 1 October 2017. The update makes several changes to the court’s case management powers and detailed assessment proceedings.
Contentious Probate Update - 2017 (part 2)
Roman Kubiak takes a look at some of the biggest and most relevant cases for practitioners to hit the legal headlines since the start of 2017, with claims under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975 appearing particularly heavily.
GDPR - What does it mean for civil litigation?
William Eggleston, trainee solicitor at Brabners, looks at what GDPR means for civil litigation.
Commercial litigation conference 2017 (16 October, London)
This event is focused on commercial litigation and costs, and will examine the latest developments in relation to key issues such as budgeting, proportionality, and the extension of fixed costs.
The benefits of collecting business-to-business debts
July saw the eagerly anticipated publication of Lord Justice Jackson’s views on fixed costs. As with any set of proposals, there will ultimately be winners and losers.
Note to forensic e-providers: 'discovery' is not the same as 'disclosure'
Jonathan Haydn-Williams explains why forensic e-providers need to understand their market.
Hourly rates in retainers: Kerry Underwood on Vilvarajah
Kerry Underwood discusses Vilvarajah v West London Law Limited [2017] EWHC 23, in which a senior costs judge slashed costs after deeming a CFA unreasonable and unfair to the client.
Helping hands: SBA - the Solicitors’ Charity
Sue Ellis explains how SBA - the Solicitors’ Charity can support solicitors in time of need.
Risky business: how to avoid claims in civil litigation
Peter Hey, director at professional indemnity insurers Libra Managers, highlights some of the key risk areas which have given rise to some of the most expensive and time-consuming claims against civil litigators - and how you can avoid them.
Kerry Underwood on Jackson and fixed costs
Lord Justice Jackson’s report on fixed costs was published on 31 July, recommending that fixed recoverable costs should apply to claims valued up to £25k. While this is a significant scaling back of his earlier proposals to apply fixed costs for all claims up to £250k, Kerry Underwood says Jackson’s ...
Should the court permit claimants to amend the claim form?
James Perry provides commentary on Wiseman v Marston’s Plc.
Jackson's report on fixed recoverable costs: our 30-second summary
Jonathan Haydn-Williams summarises Lord Justice Jackson’s report on fixed recoverable costs.
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Watch your behaviour
Dominic Regan looks at how misconduct can influence the court into awarding more damages.