Timely reminders
Peter Rodd comments on risk in conveyancing transactions
Snakes and ladders
With the property market looking up, many conveyancing firms are back in the recruitment market. But how can you ensure that you recruit the appropriate staff resource to cope with future market changes? Victor Olowe explains
The early bird
The upturn in the commercial property market has seen pre-letting come once again to the fore. Stephen Boyle explains how it works, and what commercial property solicitors need to know when drawing up pre-let leases
Green and pleasant land?
The high-profile case of the undercroft on London’s South Bank has highlighted the continuing issues around town and village greens. Antonia Murillo explains the law and practice, and how solicitors should advise landowners wanting to develop unused land
Energy bar
Prospective legislation in the Energy Act 2011 could mean that from April 2018 landlords cannot let environmentally inefficient properties. Karin Horsley and Joanne Anderton outline the steps to take now
Open house
New legislation offers homebuyers and tenants greater protection from misleading statements about properties, but it will also affect property agents and solicitors. Robert Bolwell explains
The weakest link
Marlon Appleton provides a step-by-step guide to one of the trickiest elements of stamp duty land tax: how the legislation applies to transactions linked by connected persons, in a series, or within a single scheme
After the flood
Insurance for properties at risk of flooding has been uncertain since the end of the ‘Statement of Principles’ last year. The new ‘Flood Re’ arrangement seems to offer light at the end of the tunnel, but, asks Jo Morgan , will it be fit for purpose?
Safe as houses
Conveyancing has traditionally been considered a high-risk area for complaints and insurance claims from both clients and lenders. Steve Ray explains how conveyancing firms can allay these concerns for the insurers and get the best out of this year’s renewal process
Lease and bounds
Late last year, the Law Society responded to the Law Commission’s consultation on areas of landlord and tenant law in need of reform. Warren Gordon outlines two of the issues in our response, on guarantees and contracting out