Back to Basics
Back to Basics: Residence and domicile
Jo Summers goes back to basics on residence and domicile
Keep on moving
As the pace of life continues to accelerate, Fiona Heald considers what keeps a career in private client interesting and engaging
Safety first
Melinda Giles provides a comprehensive guide to the safeguarding process for adults and what you can do if you have a concern about a vulnerable client
Top Gunn
Linda Dack’s private client team at Watkins & Gunn won at this year’s inaugural Wales Legal Awards. She talks about the win and the trends in her wills and probate caseload
Broader horizons
Are you considering retirement, or just feeling dissatisfied with a career only as a solicitor, and thinking about exploring other opportunities? Rachel Brushfield looks at some of the different career options open to senior solicitors
Money talks
Charlotte Pisuto discusses new guidance from the Office of the Public Guardian for attorneys and deputies on making investment decisions for vulnerable people
Walking the tightrope
It can be difficult for smaller firms to stay on top of the regulations relating to legal practice. As the SRA prepares to launch its new Standards and Regulations this autumn, Matthew Moore presents a guide to the key compliance issues you need to know about
It takes two
Using a real-life case study of a complex estate, Charlotte Pollard and Sofia Thomas explain how solicitor and tax adviser working together and taking a holistic approach can reap benefits for clients
Red flags
Mariel Stringer-Fehlow outlines her tips and practical advice for trustees on spotting the early warning signs of a matter turning contentious, using four common scenarios
State of independence
The SRA introduces a new “independent solicitor” model this November, which will allow solicitors to provide legal services on a freelance basis. But how will the model work in practice, and could it be for you? Marzena Lipman takes a closer look
Succession planning
Nicole Gallop Mildon and Álvaro Aznar Azcárate discuss the European succession certificate, introduced by the Brussels IV Regulation, which allows for the member state with jurisdiction over succession to confirm the status of heirs and executors. What do you need to know, and what problems might it pose?