Summer daze
On your sun lounger this summer, were you preoccupied with concerns about your firm: recruitment and retention, say, or Brexit, or narrowing profit margins? Ann Harrison looks at how the Section is helping you to navigate the challenges ahead
Share and share alike
New coworking and shared workspaces are popping up all over England and Wales. But can they work for law firms? Sally Azarmi outlines the benefits she’s found since she started coworking
Crystal clear
From 6 December 2018, law firms undertaking a number of common areas of work will need to publish price- and service-related information on their websites. Sarah Brodie looks at what this could mean in practice
Winning streak
Conveyancing firm AVRillo has received a host of industry awards and effusive praise on consumer review websites. Co-founder and partner Angelo Piccirillo explains the secrets of its success to Duncan Wood
Making ready
The Solicitors Regulation Authority has now submitted its proposed Handbook reforms to the Legal Services Board. Paul Bennett looks at the changes in the new versions, and what you need to do now to get prepared
Raised voices
Communication is a critical factor in many complaints relating to legal services, according to a recent report by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Fiona du Feu examines 10 common communication areas that can make a difference
Exit polls
With odds shortening for a ‘fudged’ or no-deal Brexit, law firms are being advised to hope for the best but prepare for the worst, as the clock ticks down to March 2019. Grania Langdon-Down investigates
Step right up
In 2015, Sternberg Reed introduced a career development programme to incentivise existing staff, bolster recruitment and retention, and support succession planning. Frances Anderson explains how the programme works in practice
Ethical imperative
Paul Bennett looks at the ethical aspects of how law firms should manage misconduct, and why the 2019 regulatory changes will mean firms need to manage ethical risk in a new way
Bridging the gap
In April, law firms with 250 or more employees had to publish data on their gender pay gap. But they weren’t required to include partner pay data, presenting an incomplete picture of the pay gap in the sector. Sarah Chilton looks at the legislation and the issues
Lead the way
Good governance in a law firm can bring improvements in everything from risk management to succession planning. Alex Ktorides offers his three top tips for leadership in law firms to foster robust and effective governance
Social life
Are you using social media in your firm? And if you are, are you sure you’re doing it right? David Gilroy provides some top tips for setting your overarching social media strategy, and how to use each of the key channels
Held to account
Amy Bell offers her top five tips for accounts staff to help in the fight against money laundering through client accounts
Outside voice
External investment is increasingly common in the legal sector, and for all sizes of firm. But is it for you? Tom Blandford helps you decide