Webinar: managing estates regarding ashes, pets and possessions (OnDemand)

Dog on empty sofa

This webinar will help you understand and stay up to date with both a broad understanding of the detail in this niche area of probate law.

This webinar is inclusive to Private Client Section members and £54 to non-Section members.

Managing the expectations of grieving family members regarding the affairs of a loved one is fraught with difficulty.

Ownership, distribution, rights and duties in relation to ashes, pets and possessions are complex areas of law that often require urgent and immediate input for a recent loss.

Knowing what to do, who to turn to, the options available and how you could help a testator prepare in advance, are essential tools in the armoury of the private client, wills, trusts and probate solicitor.

This webinar covers:

  • determinatives about ashes, pets and possessions in the will
  • important assets that can be lawfully expressed in the will
  • intestacy rules on ashes, pets and possessions and different case scenarios
  • which people have locus, which court should they go to, and what powers do they have?

By attending this webinar, you will gain:

  • detailed practical knowledge of what to include and not to include in a will
  • detailed practical knowledge of what happens to ashes, pets and possessions when there is testacy and/or intestacy
  • an understanding of how to challenge the above outcomes, by whom and where



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