The Compliance Officers for Legal Practice (“COLP”) has been a required appointment for all bodies operating under the Legal Services Act 2007 since January 2013. Two and a half years down the line and with the regulatory landscape continuing to change, this webinar will provide the opportunity for attendees to pause and take stock of how the COLP role has played out in practice to date and how it is likely to continue to evolve going forward.

Items to be discussed include:

• Five key strategic challenges of the COLP role and how to address them
- Perception of compliance and risk internally 
- The scope of the COLP role internally
- Role of business services 
- Compliance team needed?
- Role of IT

• Five key operational challenges of the COLP role and how to address them
- Know your firm: Review of SRA Handbook and compliance risks
- Compliance Plan including relevant policies/procedures
- Decision making and records management
- Whistleblowing, and recording and reporting breaches
- Training

Speaker: Richard Curtis, risk and compliance counsel and compliance officer for legal Practice - Lewis Silkin
Richard is the COLP at Lewis Silkin. Prior to this he was the compliance manager at Nabarro.