Change afoot
Ian White explains how members can help the committee further build the Property Section to meet the evolving needs of property solicitors
Rain check
The long-awaited Flood Re scheme is now planned to come into force next month. Russell Hewitson outlines how the scheme will work, what properties are eligible, and how to advise clients living in flood-risk areas
Home free
A new residence nil-rate band will be phased in from 6 April 2017 when a residence is passed on death to a direct descendant. Lesley King explains the implications
Mint conditions
The third edition of the Standard Commercial Property Conditions will soon be released. Warren Gordon provides a round-up of some of the key changes from the previous edition
Watching brief
The Solicitors Regulation Authority is set to make major changes to regulation in the legal sector this spring. Michael Garson outlines the context for the change agenda and the particular issues around conveyancing
Licence to bill
An existing client comes to you with a big idea: to buy a pub. You want to take the work, but should you? Tariq Philips looks at how to make the decision, how to quote for the work, and some of the unusual elements of transactions to purchase licensed premises
Who do you know?
David Gilroy explains how effective client relationship management can help you keep and win clients, and how to get it right in practice
Home and away
Clients may not realise how complicated it can be to buy or inherit a property abroad. Jo Summers looks at the issues involved and the impact of the new EU regulation on succession
Check, please
Sarah Ellison and Eleanor Murray outline the new ‘right to rent’ checks, introduced by the Immigration Act 2014, and explain what landlords, agents and those subletting need to do to comply