March 2013




Marching on


Peter Rodd, chair of the Property Section, considers what the market will bring this year, 
and the changes conveyancers need to make to survive and thrive


Together apart image

Together apart


Legislation to address the division of joint property on separation now seems to be off the agenda, leaving the position very unclear for cohabitees – and their advisers. Daniel Bromilow explains how to advise cohabiting clients at every stage of their relationship

Kersten Muller

Non-natural remedies


As part of its clampdown on tax avoidance, the government is planning to introduce two new tax charges on property valued at over £2m and owned via ‘non-natural persons’. Kersten Muller summarises the proposals

Emma Humphreys

Step right up


Two recent cases demonstrate the importance for landowners of contesting informal access arrangements over their land. Emma Humphreys explains

Grania Langdon-Down

Working parts


Changing career paths, more competition and the demand for quick, low-cost conveyancing have led many firms to employ paralegals, while others have used only qualified staff. Grania Langdon-Down looks at the different business models and the lessons to learn

Holding the title


The City of London Law Society has just published the seventh edition of its certificate of title. Warren Gordon outlines the changes made in the new edition to make the certificate more 
user-friendly for solicitors

Lease of mind image

Lease of mind


Roger Hardwick looks at the options for tenant clients who want to extend their lease, and explains the process for statutory lease extension applications

Jaunita Gobby

Dead letter


Ensuring that your client care letters and terms of business remain up to date, and that the correct versions are being used across your firm, is a crucial element of compliance. Jaunita Gobby explains how to avoid the pitfalls

Chris Harris

Reality check


The media and the Solicitors Regulation Authority website both told the same story in 2012: bogus law firms, created by criminals and often based on real firms to create legitimacy, are on the rise. So how can you avoid your firm becoming a victim? Chris Harris explains

Alasdair Lewis

What’s in a number?


The numbering system for Land Registry titles has changed many times, to accommodate everything from the county changes in the 1960s to the numbers starting to run out in recent years. Alasdair Lewis explains

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