13 April 2017
Latest news and updates
Consultation launched on register of overseas property owners
The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy is consulting on proposals to create a beneficial ownership register of overseas companies that own UK property or participate in UK government procurement. It states that the call for evidence will be of interest to conveyancing solicitors among others.
Featured events
Half-day Conveyancing Convention 2017 (23 May)
Hear from Land Registry about their plans for the future!
Take part in a live hack led by cyber security professionals.
Hear about the future of case management.
This is your chance to influence and experience the future of your industry.
Book now - free for members
Dreamvar, Purrunsing, P&P Property - what you need to know about fraud and cyber security
(Bristol, London, Birmingham, Manchester, Southampton)
Want to hear about the impact of recent case law?
Want to utilise technology to protect yourself, your firm and your clients?
Come and listen to Peter Rodd, our resident expert, who will provide you with a practical understanding of the threats to the property market in your area.
Attendance is included as part of your Section membership, but please book in advance as this is a popular series.
National property law conference 2017 (11 October)
As conveyancers and property practitioners, your challenges include growing a practice in a volatile climate, the rise of cyber-crime, and the continued uncertainty of the economy and property markets. This conference is designed to inform, inspire and support you to overcome these difficulties. The conference will be running three workshop sessions, encouraging delegates to share best practice, pick up tips from experts and hear success stories from peers.
Book now
More news
The Law Society, 113 Chancery Lane, London, WC2A 1PL. Tel: 020 7242 1222