Apology: John Howard
In this edition, we published ‘State of Mind’ by Elizabeth Barclay. The article contained material taken without permission or appropriate attribution from a lecture given by John Howard of the Official Solicitor’s Office in March 2018. We apologise to John Howard that this occurred.
Read moreCross-reference
Kate Mahon rounds up the talking points from this year’s Private Client Section cross-border conference, held in March at the Law Society
Don't bank on it
Fiona Heald wonders whether the unstoppable rise of internet and mobile banking is leading to a generation ignorant of the basics of banking, and leaving many older people behind
A sympathetic ear
The services of private client solicitors are often called on at stressful and strained times in people’s lives, which can involve loss and pain. But what if clients come to you with thoughts of ending their own lives? Lesley Woolf and Sheree Green explain what you can do
Handling the situation
There are increasing reports from legal professionals that GPs are either reluctant or declining to conduct mental capacity assessments. Dr Julian Sheather and Dr Peter Holden provide a GP’s perspective
Fine time
The General Data Protection Regulation will come into effect this month, and firms could face fines of up to €20m for non-compliance. Emma Burns explains how the new regime will work in practice, and what to do should a data breach happen
In whom we trust
Clare van Overdijk examines new guidance from the Court of Protection on the appointment of trust corporations as property and affairs deputies
Back to basics: Working with farming accountants
Julie Butler and Fred Butler offer advice on the farm ownership structure and providing for strong succession planning.
Trans facts
Despite greater awareness and public understanding of gender identity, many transgender people still face discrimination. Alison Craggs and Debra Gers examine the key legal rights of transgender people – from management of wills and inheritance rights to equality in the workplace
Take my advice
Huge changes are afoot in the financial advice industry; it is becoming more difficult to keep up with regulatory change and identify the right advice firm for your client. Stephen Kavanagh lists the issues you should consider to ensure you make the best choices
Artistic legacy
The estates of artists, writers and other creative people throw up many issues, from the division of rights to preserving their reputation after death. Helen Citron and Robert Craig describe how the will-drafter can play a crucial role in ensuring things go smoothly
Cash back
Charlotte Pisuto addresses the practical implications of obtaining a refund for a registered enduring or lasting power of attorney from the Office of the Public Guardian
Under review
Private Client Section committee chair Fiona Heald reviews a new title on the financial abuse of the elderly
My legal life
As part of our series of interviews with private client solicitors, David Jones of Hugh Jones Solicitors discusses his pro bono work and his theory on why fewer young people are attracted to a private client career