Back to Basics
Back to basics 31: Family home-sharing
Timothy Gibbons considers the legal positions of inter-generational home-sharers, to identify the possible dangers and disadvantages of home-sharing, the extent to which these issues can be overcome by professional advice, and the value of various kinds of legal arrangement
Times are changing
Private Client Section chair Simon Leney looks at the changes in the air this Spring on a number of fronts: for clients, for solicitors, and for the Private Client Section itself
No more secrets
Patricia Wass looks at the impact of new guidance aimed at increasing transparency in the Court of Protection
Giving pause
Simon Edwards and Fenella Morris examine some recent cases around gifts made from the estate of a person without mental capacity, and consider the thorny question of gifts where ‘P’ has and had no comprehension of giving
Stuck in the middle
Christine Green and Fiona Lawrence provide a first-hand account of how challenging the role of independent administrator can be, describing a recent case in which Christine was the court-appointed administrator led to make an application for directions due to one beneficiary’s conduct
Securing the future
For clients who have disabled children, one of their main priorities will be supporting their children financially after their death. Daniel Sheridan outlines the options, including wills and trusts, and their implications for tax and benefits
Time is of the essence
In the recent case of Berger v Berger, the Court of Appeal examined afresh the issue of family provision claims brought out of time, in a judgment that also contains lessons for those advising elderly clients with life interests under a will. Nichola Phillipson reports
Working together
Nichola Sims explains the extensive information that charities need from solicitors when a legacy is bequested to them, and provides a template letter drawn up by the Institute of Legacy Managememt to show solicitors what to expect from a charity’s first contact
Wealth of advice
Rohan Armes explores the role of an investment manager in giving life to a financial settlement after a divorce, and explains the factors that must be considered when investing a lump sum settlement
King Kong
The reform of the Hong Kong trustee ordinance, which came into force in December 2013, is likely to make Hong Kong more attractive as a jurisdiction of choice for trusts, especially for high-value estates. Philip Munro and Karen Lai explain
Trading places
A number of recent cases point to a worrying new trend by HM Revenue & Customs, whereby it assesses farms as investment rather than trading businesses – which do not therefore qualify for business property relief. Julie Butler explains what action farmers need to take