Member talk: will-related queries

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Understand the common queries with will drafting and what top tips you should give to your clients when preparing their will. Our speakers share best practice on the drafting and preparation of wills for their clients.

This series of bitesize videos, exclusive to Private Client Solicitors Section members, is delivered by experts to support you in giving the best possible legal advice to your clients.

Watch the short clips below to preview these member talks.

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Unusual clauses

Understand the difference between a mirror and a mutual will, as well as the pros and cons of both.

Our speakers discuss the best way to protect beneficiaries without having to use mutual wills and share examples of annuities in wills.

They also explore examples of unusual clauses in wills that have come across their desk and share their top tips for dealing with these.

Speakers include:

  • Charlotte Crawford, solicitor, director and head of private client at Hugh Jones Solicitors and Private Client Solicitors Section advisory committee member
  • Christine Thornley, partner at Irwin Mitchell in the tax, trusts and estate team

Who’s who and what’s what?

When writing a Will both beneficiaries and executors may be described rather than named – by the time the testator dies these descriptions may no longer be correct so when administering the estate you understand which date is correct, the date of the Will or the date of death?

Our speakers discuss class gifts generally, definitions of children and adopted children, and how to describe people to avoid issues regarding gender and pronouns.

They also explore specific assets and what happens if an asset has changed at the point of death i.e property and bank accounts.

Speakers include:

  • Fiona Heald, Senior Lawyer, Court of Protection at Giles Wilson Solicitors
  • Adam Draper, Partner and Head of the National Team at Rothley Law


These videos were recording on the following dates:

  • 30 January 2025: Unusual clauses
  • 21 February 2025: Who’s who and what’s what

Other instalments coming up in this series include:

1. charities in wills

2. practical scenarios – what to do?



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