More Features and Opinion – Page 4

  • Bethan Owen

    Checking it out


    The Immigration Act 2014 introduces a raft of substantial changes to UK immigration law. Bethan Owen looks at the new requirements for landlords

  • in the end

    In the end


    With the economy slowly recovering, the negotiating strengths of commercial landlords and tenants in lease renewal negotiations are changing. Nic Maunder Taylor provides a beginner’s guide to the issues for landlords, tenants, and their advisers

  • Richard Bagwell

    Sign your name


    The Leasehold Reform (Amendment) Act 2014 makes a single, yet important, change to how notices of claim in relation to lease extension and collective enfranchisement can be signed. Richard Bagwell explains

  • Jane Plant

    Nuisance act


    The Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 reforms the remedies available to tackle with anti-social behaviour, including the introduction of injunctions to prevent nuisance and annoyance. Jane Plant looks at the key provisions impacting landlords and tenants

  • breaking up

    Breaking up


    Paul Clark provides a round-up of recent cases related to commercial landlord and tenant law

  • Stephen Boyle

    The early bird


    The upturn in the commercial property market has seen pre-letting come once again to the fore. Stephen Boyle explains how it works, and what commercial property solicitors need to know when drawing up pre-let leases

  • Karin Horsley

    Energy bar


    Prospective legislation in the Energy Act 2011 could mean that from April 2018 landlords cannot let environmentally inefficient properties. Karin Horsley and Joanne Anderton outline the steps to take now

  • Warren Gordon

    Lease and bounds


    Late last year, the Law Society responded to the Law Commission’s consultation on areas of landlord and tenant law in need of reform. Warren Gordon outlines two of the issues in our response, on guarantees and contracting out

  • Great distress image

    Great distress


    April sees the introduction of commercial rent arrears recovery, replacing the common law remedy of distress. But the new regime is significantly more limited in scope, and could spell real problems for commercial landlords. Warren Gordon explains

  • Anthony Essien

    Lease is the word


    Residential leasehold law can sometimes be a complex area of the law to navigate. Anthony Essien explains how the Leasehold Advisory Service can help guide leaseholders, landlords and lawyers alike

  • Michael Donellan

    First place


    The old, much criticised leasehold tribunal system was replaced last summer by the new Property Chamber of the First-Tier Tribunal. Michael Donnellan explains the key differences and practical points for landlord and tenant solicitors

  • Simon Wood

    Credit where it’s due


    With tenant insolvency on the rise in the commercial sector, Simon Wood outlines the different potential approaches to dealing with an insolvent tenant, and examines the benefits and drawbacks of the various options

  • Chris Hall

    Passing the buck?


    Chris Hall explains the new responsibilities likely to be imposed on landlords in an attempt to deter illegal immigration, and raises questions about the impact of the scheme, which he warns could become a revenue-generating exercise for government

  • Roger Buston

    Service industry


    Roger Buston reviews an in-depth book on commercial and residential service charges, 
which successfully manages to pull together a number of often confusing threads of both regulation and case law to inform the busy practitioner

  • Michael Poulsom

    The ties that bind


    The enforceability and modification of restrictive covenants in freehold land present many uncertainties. Michael Poulsom examines how five recent cases might be of assistance 
to practitioners

  • Safe as houses image

    Safe as houses?


    The recent high-profile Superstrike case has wide implications for landlords and tenancy deposit schemes. Steven Wood, whose firm acted for the claimant, outlines the case and the current legislation covering tenancy deposits

  • Taking control image

    Taking control


    The right to manage, which allows flat-owners to take over management of their building subject to certain criteria, is 10 years old this September. Christopher Sykes looks at its impact, the case law to date, and whether it is working in practice

  • End of the line image

    End of the line


    In a volatile market, flexibility is essential for business owners, including in terms of the premises from which they operate. Dalia Ross explains how to advise commercial tenants 
who may wish to terminate their leases early

  • Lease of mind image

    Lease of mind


    Roger Hardwick looks at the options for tenant clients who want to extend their lease, and explains the process for statutory lease extension applications

  • Property in Practice December 2012 cover

    Property in Practice December 2012


    This edition features the Green Deal, differing approaches to the conveyancing process, consents and deeds in commercial property, acting on the purchase of prime London property, the TA6 form, break clauses and the Conveyancing Handbook