More Features and Opinion – Page 2

  • Rent

    Under review


    Paul de la Piquerie and Rahul Varma look at some common rent review mechanisms and the issues they can create in practice

  • Wales and England separated by the sea

    Fault lines


    Jamie Saunders looks at residential housing law in Wales and how it is diverging from England, particularly in two key areas – assured shorthold tenancies and no-fault evictions

  • lesley-anderson-qc-600x400

    Give us a break


    Stephen Pritchett and Lesley Anderson KC look at some of the case law around break clauses in renewal leases, and provide a personal view on a recent county court judgment and the challenges it presents for landlords wishing to develop their properties

  • david-manda-600x400

    At your service?


    The take-up for serviced offices and co-working spaces increased by 150% in 2017, and more growth is predicted. David Manda looks at the hidden legal complexities of these arrangements, and how to advise both owners and occupiers

  • Landlords and Section 21 notices - two doors, one open to show the number 21

    Catch 21


    Sarah Cummins and David Smith review the current law on section 21 notices and consider the future of the section 21 procedure, following the government’s recent proposal to abolish no-fault evictions

  • Warren Gordon

    Home fee


    Warren Gordon looks at the impact of the Tenant Fees Act 2019, which will limit the payments that a landlord can charge in connection with most short-term residential tenancies entered into on or after 1 June 2019 

  • Sue Highmore

    The green stuff


    It is nearly a year since the minimum energy efficiency standard regime came into force. Sue Highmore reflects on its effect on residential clients – including the financial impact – and outlines changes coming into force on 1 April 2019

  • Scheme of works being kicked out of court

    The best intentions


    The recent case of S Franses Ltd v The Cavendish Hotel, which hinged on whether the landlord had the intention of redeveloping a property, has significant implications for commercial landlords and tenants. Kate Andrews explains

  • Warren Gordon

    Taking charge


    From April, new regulatory requirements for service charges for commercial property will come into force. Warren Gordon outlines the changes, and what they mean for existing leases

  • Oliver Pannell

    After the fire


    Following the Grenfell fire, freeholders and leaseholders are facing significant difficulties in ensuring their homes are safe and that defective cladding is replaced. Oliver Pannell provides an update on the government’s response and recent case law

  • Russell Hewitson

    Support system


    Russell Hewitson, chair of the Conveyancing and Land Law Committee, provides an update on the committee’s work representing and supporting the profession, including around leasehold, fraud and the electronic execution of documents

  • warren-gordon-600x400

    Cleaning house


    The government has turned its eye to change in the residential housing sector, from ensuring sufficient supply, to addressing escalating ground rents. Warren Gordon explains

  • Michael Draper

    Devolution evolution


    Michael Draper outlines some of the unique law – both existing and on the horizon – in Wales, as it relates to property, including potential new developments around vacant sites and residential lettings 

  • warren gordon

    The green light


    From April 2018, new regulations will make it significantly harder for landlords to rent property with an energy efficiency rating below ‘E’. Warren Gordon looks at the lease drafting implications, and potential exemptions from the new requirements

  • Peter Rodd, Property Section chair

    In the know


    The leasehold system is facing increasing criticism. One of the key issues is getting information to potential buyers and helping them understand it. Peter Rodd looks at what’s gone wrong with leasehold, and the role of conveyancers in the flow of information

  • Danielle Drummond Brassington

    Fit to break


    Danielle Drummond-Brassington and Natalie Appleby outline some simple practice points to help you avoid the pitfalls around exercising break options in commercial leases

  • Professor Nick Hopkins

    On the agenda


    Professor Nick Hopkins, and research assistants Chris Pulman, Rachel Preston and Thomas Nicholls, highlight the property law coming under review by the Law Commission as part of its 13th Programme of Law Reform

  • Tower blocks made of bank notes blowing away

    High street lows


    Every week seems to bring news of another major retail chain in financial crisis. Ambuja Bose and Georgina Eason look at the practical impact on commercial landlords of having an insolvent or potentially insolvent tenant

  • breaking ground

    Breaking ground


    Escalating ground rents have been headline news in recent months. They can make a property not only unaffordable, but also potentially unsaleable. Lucy Barber explains how enfranchisement could help, and outlines the legislation

  • warren-gordon-600x400

    From the ground up


    In September 2017, Warren Gordon became the new chair of the Property Section. In his first comment piece, he provides a personal perspective on leasehold ground rents