Features and Opinion – Page 5

  • John Niland

    Worthy cause


    In the second of his series on self-worth, John Niland looks at how law firm partners and managers can develop self-worth in others, and the benefits this can bring to your business

  • Scott Campbell

    Pay heed


    In April, the government is planning to make changes to IR35 – the rules around the tax treatment of off-payroll contractors. Scott Campbell explains the changes, and how they could apply to your firm

  • Access - sunset landscape inside profile of person's head

    The long view


    Are you contemplating appointing apprentices for the first time, or broadening your use of apprentices? What can you learn from firms already on the journey? Diana Bentley reports

  • Potential - man in suit standing at edge of spotlight

    Seeing the light


    Identifying talent and potential in current and prospective staff is key to ensuring your firm is fit for the future, says Dr Amanda Potter. But how can you design a process that really works for your firm?

  • David Green

    Next exit


    David Green looks at effective succession planning: why it matters, what it should cover, and how to ensure you have a culture which supports it

  • Sarah Sargent

    Bright young things


    Sarah Sargent offers an associate’s view of succession planning through working with and supporting the millennials in your business 

  • Harass - outline of person running, surrounded by hands reaching out

    Safe space


    A recent survey has revealed the extent of bullying and harassment in the legal sector. Lucy Trevelyan looks at the role of culture and leadership, and how firms can prevent bullying and harassment, and deal with complaints if they do occur

  • Marzena Lipman

    State of independence


    The SRA introduces a new ‘freelance solicitor’ model next month, allowing solicitors to provide legal services on a freelance basis. But how will the model work in practice, and could it be for you? Marzena Lipman takes a closer look 

  • Paul Bennett

    Free and easy?


    What does the new ‘gig economy’ freelancer model mean for your firm? Why is this a management issue? Paul Bennett looks at some of the key challenges

  • Child's hands holding leaky bucket

    Leaky talent bucket – what causes talent retention problems?


    Many law firms, especially small and medium-sized firms are experiencing problems retaining talent. In the second of a two-part series, Rachel Brushfield examines the common causes of talent drain.

  • Dr Zara Whysall

    Impaired vision


    Unconscious bias in a business can impair good decision-making. Dr Zara Whysall looks at its impact on decisions about appointing and promoting leaders, and how law firms can minimise unconscious biases

  • Mental health - head filled with words "support", "mental health", "resilience", "mindfulness", "training initiatives" and "policies"

    Picture of health


    What can law firms do to help their people with stress and to create and support a mentally healthy workplace? Lucy Trevelyan investigates

  • Future: Hand holding phone displaying arrows

    Upping the stakes


    The legal marketplace is increasingly volatile and unpredictable. Harriet Brooke looks at two of the key disruptors – millennials and artificial intelligence – and asks what leadership capabilities you need to future-proof your business

  • Feature

    Inside job


    We all trust our partners, colleagues, employees and advisers. But law firms are often hierarchical, so we can become too reliant on certain individuals. How can we avoid ‘key person risk’? Paul Bennett considers

  • Sue Bramall

    Pick and choose


    What’s the right option for marketing in your firm? Should you have a marketing committee or make a single partner responsible? Should you appoint internally, recruit or outsource? Sue Bramall provides her top tips

  • flying-start-junior-lawyers-balloon-380x254

    Flying start


    Recruitment and retention is a growing challenge for all firms, especially of lawyers starting their careers. So what are firms doing to attract and retain junior lawyers? Diana Bentley investigates, in the first article of our special focus on junior lawyers

  • Leanne Yendell

    A fresh perspective


    In the second article in our special focus on junior lawyers, Leanne Yendell looks at how your newly qualified lawyers can help you with everything from understanding client needs to building an effective workplace culture

  • ann-harrison-380x254

    From the front


    It is an old trope that there is a difference between a good leader and a good manager – but law firm leaders need to be both. Ann Harrison looks at the skillsets involved, and the additional challenges of management in the legal sector

  • laura-devine-380x254

    Border control


    With only two months to go before the UK leaves the EU, Laura Devine looks at what steps should law firms be taking now in relation to staff members who are either EU citizens or family members of EU citizens 

  • reuben-glynn-380x254

    Letter of the law


    Reuben Glynn reviews a new title on effective leadership in small businesses