Features and Opinion – Page 4

  • James Dawes

    The personal touch


    James Dawes explains how you can strengthen your interview and onboarding processes whilst conducting them virtually

  • julian-hall-600x400

    Distance learning


    The pandemic has presented challenges for all of us, and the heightened stress has led to an increase in conflict – exacerbated by not being physically together. Julian Hall looks at conflict in the workplace, and how to foster healthy conflict 

  • Lubna Gem Arielle 600x400

    It’s good to talk


    In the second of our series on conversations about mental health, Lubna Gem Arielle looks at common myths around mental health, and provides a model for having a conversation with a colleague about their mental health

  • Desk and diary

    Best-laid plans: the importance of planning for law firms


    Business growth coach Karl Morris explains the strategic importance of effective planning for law firms.

  • home-working-kids

    Will the fallout from the pandemic help or hinder progression of gender diversity in the legal profession?


    Alison Woods and Catherine Taylor look at the impact of the pandemic on female lawyers – who have been shown to be shouldering most of the burden of caring responsibilities in lockdown. What can law firm leaders do to improve flexible and blended working opportunities for all staff?

  • Jo-Anne Wild

    Culture shock


    In the rush to set up the right technology and frameworks for working from home, some firms have neglected the culture and people challenges of the new working environment. Jo‑Anne Wild offers some tips 

  • Black Lives Matter in law - Two black hands, one holding a heart

    Black Lives Matter in law


    Diana Bentley looks at how law firms have been working to improve the record of the legal profession on diversity and inclusion, and the impact of the Black Lives Matter movement

  • Lubna Gem Arielle 600x400

    Call to mind


    In the first of a two-part series about how to have conversations with your colleagues and line reports about their mental health, Lubna Gem Arielle provides a brief introduction to mental health in the workplace

  • Grant Beecham

    Home and away


    Lockdown meant that firms across the country had to implement remote working – but not all firms have taken the opportunity to harness the benefits of agile working in the long term. Grant Beecham looks at how to implement it successfully

  • Agile businessman

    The invisible revolution: the world of work post-COVID-19


    Law Management Section committee members Fariha Butt, Alison Downie and Paul Bennett look at the impact of the pandemic and lockdown on agile working and other working patterns

  • london finance

    Getting back to the office: supporting your people


    Nadia Biles Davies looks at the people side of managing a return to the office, including how to manage survivor guilt after redundancy, how to capitalise on new ways of working, and how to win the hearts and minds of a nervous workforce

  • Law firm roles - five people looking at board listing roles: "The Legal COO", "Practice Executives", "Non-executive shareholder" and "Managing partner as CEO"

    Role calls


    Chris Bull looks at the growth of new roles in law firms, from chief operating officers to legal engineers, and what the future might hold for law firm resourcing and governance

  • Liz Ritter 600x400

    Exam nerves


    Liz Ritter explains how the Solicitors Qualifying Examination will work in practice and what law firms need to do now as employers to prepare

  • Simon Tupman 600x400

    Weathering the storm


    Simon Tupman offers some simple tips for law firm leaders looking to support their businesses and their people through the coronavirus crisis

  • Nicole Vayssier 600x400

    Taking care of business


    Coronavirus has increased the pressure on law firm leaders – to ensure their business’ survival and inspire their people, while juggling personal commitments. But, asks Nicole Vayssier, are you taking care of your own mental and physical wellbeing?

  • carrot-and-stick-motivation

    How to motivate your people during lockdown and beyond


    Research has shown what motivates people to behave in certain ways. What can law firm leaders learn from the results to keep their people motivated under lockdown and beyond? Katherine Thomas investigates

  • Amanda Potter

    Intelligence gathering


    Emotional intelligence (EQ) can be a leader’s greatest asset, or if ignored, their greatest risk. Dr Amanda Potter looks at why EQ matters in the workplace, and how you can develop yours

  • Diversity-600x400

    A world of difference


    Diversity in law firms – in terms of not only protected characteristics, but also experiences, attitudes and ways of thinking – can bring benefits in everything from financial performance to employee engagement. Lucy Trevelyan investigates.

  • Kiran Purewal

    In balance


    Supporting work-life balance in your firm can help you attract and retain the best people and create an inclusive and high-performing workplace. Kiran Purewal offers her top tips 

  • Zulon Begum

    Sparring partner


    Zulon Begum, Nicholas Hawkins and Rob Hind look at some of the common issues around dealing with allegations of partner misconduct in law firms