All Feature articles – Page 81

  • gavin ward 140x96

    Window of opportunity


    Gavin Ward explains how firms can use their websites and online presence to grow the reputation of their solicitors, practice areas and sector groups, acquire new clients from the internet, and ultimately succeed online

  • michelle parry slater 140x96

    Playing for keeps


    The evidence shows that employee loyalty is a thing of the past. If you want to attract and retain talent in your business, and thereby build a productive workforce and compete effectively, learning and development are key, says Michelle Parry-Slater

  • mark griffiths 140x96

    A friend in need


    A ‘critical friend’, though little used in law firms, can help professionals and organisations maintain a continuous cycle of improvement. Martin Griffiths explains how the approach works and how to bring a critical friend into your business

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    Quick fix?


    Fixed fees are favoured by clients, and increasingly seen as a competitive differentiator. But putting them in place and managing them effectively can be complex. Jenny Beck provides a beginner’s guide to managing in a fixed-fee environment

  • man climbing on clock faces

    Changing with the times


    Being able to adapt to a fast-changing legal sector and marketplace will give your firm the best possible chance of survival and success. Andrew Hedley explains how you can make change effectively in your firm

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    In the Manager's Chair: Rising stock


    Nearly four years ago, Guy and Chris Setford from Setfords Solicitors were featured in ‘In the Manager’s Chair’, following the firm’s move to a fee-sharing model. Duncan Wood talks to them about the firm’s growth since, including through external investment  

  • eu uk flag

    Brexit report on justice for families, individuals and businesses


    The House of Lords EU Committee has published a report about the effect of Brexit on three EU Regulations which together ‘play an important role in facilitating the daily operation of the European legal system’. Jonathan Haydn-Williams looks at the Committee’s conclusions as to the Brussels I Regulation ‘recast’ relating ...

  • euan mc sherry

    Exploring the litigation landscape in Scotland


    Euan McSherry, DWF Head of Litigation in Scotland, introduces readers to the possibly unfamiliar territory of raising court proceedings north of the border: in particular, the changing face of litigation expenses, raising arbitrations and going to mediation, where it is not mandatory. 

  • Silhouette figures crowd

    Risk and compliance conference 2017


    Mandeep Nagra, risk and compliance advisor, reports on the recent conference.

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    Spring clean your compliance checks


    The clocks have gone forward, Easter is upon us and Pearl Moses looks at what you can do to spring clean your compliance policies and procedures.

  • cyber security

    Do you need a password policy?


    One of the weak links in providing an effective barrier against cyber attacks is the use of passwords. Janet Noble looks at some important steps your staff can take to minimise risk.

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    What happens in a mediation stays in a mediation. Or does it?


    In Savings Advice Ltd, Master Howarth found that factual statements as to the amount of costs used in mediations could be used in subsequent assessment proceedings. Does this mean not everything in a mediation stays secret, asks Deborah Burke.

  • keyboard

    Best of the web – April 2017


    This month’s round-up of best practice management comment and features from across the web includes articles on technological innovation in law firms, workplace productivity, the areas of law firm management which need to be addressed, and how to use an award to promote your firm. 

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    CPR 88th update: what's new?


    The 88th update to the Civil Procedure Rules (SI 2017/95) makes several important changes which will all come into force by 6 April. Cait Sweeney looks at the pivotal developments.

  • Ian Hopkins

    Why join the Law Management Section committee?


    The Law Management Section committee currently has four vacancies. Current committee member Ian Hopkins explains why he joined, how it’s benefitted him and his firm, and how the committee supports Section members

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    Walking papers


    In 2008, Quanticks was one of the first law firms to go completely paperless. Neil Quantick explains why he made the switch, how you can do the same, and the benefits it can bring

  • Car crash

    Winner takes all: How far should the personal injury reforms go?


    Following the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) consultation “Reforming the Soft Tissue Injury (Whiplash) Claims Process” earlier this year, the personal injury (PI) sector is about to face a radical change. Matthew Cotton, vice-chair of the Civil Litigation Section examines the opposing views and comments on the likely effects of the ...

  • rules written in a book 390x234

    Waivers update: A rule is a rule – or is it?


    The SRA’s consultation on the use of waivers to allow greater innovation otherwise blocked by the rules closes this week. Bronwen Still takes a look.

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    Risk and Compliance - what to watch out for in 2017


    The risks which law firms and their management and compliance teams have to address is constantly changing. Drawing on the experience of the past year for context, Frank Maher looks at a selection of these to consider some of the key areas of risk for the rest of 2017. 

  • Changing Career Direction

    Looking to the future - A two-tier profession and client protections


    Sanjay Basra of our Advisory Service provides a follow-up to last month’s article relating to the key proposed changes to the SRA Handbook in 2017/18. He looks at the provisions allowing solicitors to provide unreserved services from organisations not authorised by the SRA.