21 June 2017                                                                                       

Latest news and updates 

Follow your lease to the letter 
In TGC Pubs Ltd [2017] EWHC 772 (Ch), the High Court considered whether a letter given to the landlord constituted the grant of an option to purchase, as required by the lease and whether a subsequent request to assign had been properly made.
The Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 - catching mammoths with straw nets?  
Daniel Fitzpatrick, partner at Hodge Jones & Allen, discusses the recently passed Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 and the new duties for local authorities. 

Featured events

Property Section: conveyancing convention (28 June, London)
This half-day event focuses on the most important issues affecting modern property practice: cybersecurity, digital transformation and case management in the 21st century.
This is your chance to hear from, among others, Graham Farrant, chief executive and chief land registrar, Land Registry following its recent consultation on digital transformation in the conveyancing space.
Only a few places left – inclusive of Property Section membership. Book now
Principal sponsor

Fraud and cybersecurity workshop (27 June, Southampton)
These workshops are your opportunity to learn about successful fraud prevention techniques, to safeguard yourself, your business and your clients from scams now and in the future. The workshops will explore and break down the methods adopted by firms to counter the threat of fraud and how you can adapt and develop for your own practice. Book now
Webinar: Residential property law update
Join this webinar to keep up to date with all the key changes relating to residential property. Hear from our expert on the latest developments on areas including Airbnb lettings, building schemes, Land Registry developments and recent case law. 
Book now
National property law conference: Overcoming challenges in a volatile landscape (11 October, London)
Our annual conference will meet the needs of both those working in commercial and residential conveyancing, while also addressing areas of common challenges. Conference session topics will focus on challenging and thought-provoking issues including the future of conveyancing, insurers' views on how to avoid mistakes and technical aspects of cybercrime. 
Book your place now at the early booking rate

More news 

 Making the most of your membership
 Mortgage fraud - spotting the warning signs
 PAS FAQ: Fraud prevention in BTL transactions
 Law Society blog: Overheard on a train: How I could have ransomed a law firm (but didn’t)

The Law Society, 113 Chancery Lane, London, WC2A 1PL. Tel: 020 7242 1222

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