Test – Page 181

  • Analysis

    Peel Land and Property Ltd v TS Sheerness Steel Ltd


    The High Court considered whether the tenant of a steelworks was entitled to remove heavy industrial plant it had installed in the premises.

  • Analysis

    Energy Efficiency (Eligible Buildings) Regulations 2013


    An energy saving target of 163.6 gigawatt hours must be achieved in buildings owned and occupied by central government, and must be achieved by 31 December 2020.

  • News

    Law Society concerned by breakdown of rule of law in Ukraine


    Having observed the coverage of escalating violence in Ukraine and received correspondence from the Ukrainian Bar Association, the Human Rights Committee at the Law Society of England and Wales is concerned that the rule of law has broken down in Ukraine. Today, the president of the Ukraine signed to repeal ...

  • Rebecca Piper

    Spotlight: Marley v Rawlings


    Supreme Court overturns Court of Appeal decision and holds that a mirror will signed by the wrong spouse can be rectified.

  • Feature

    Law Society urges Uganda to appoint new Chief Justice


    The Law Society’s Human Rights Committee has urged the Ugandan government to select a new chief justice following the unconstitutional reappointment of the Honourable Justice Benjamin Joseph Odoki, who last year reached the mandated retiring age of 70. Mr Odoki reached the age of 70 on 23 March last year ...

  • Feature

    Colombian advocates the focus of Day of the Endangered Lawyer


    The Law Society will support the Day of the Endangered Lawyer on January 24, recognising the risks many lawyers across the world face as they work to uphold fundamental human rights in dangerous environments. The day of recognition is designed to bring to the international legal community’s attention the hazardous ...

  • Lesley King

    Cancelling contracts made in the home


    Lesley King explains why law firms must tread carefully when handling contracts entered into as part of a solicited home visit to a client.

  • Analysis

    RGB v Cwm Taf Health Board and others


    The husband of a woman with Alzheimer’s disease applied for declarations that the defendant health board acted unlawfully in depriving him and/or his wife of a right to family life.

  • Analysis

    JO v GO


    An application in the Court of Protection by a daughter for the return of her 88 year old mother, who lacked mental capacity, to return to England from Scotland. 

  • Analysis

    Markou and other v Goodwin and others


    High Court considered whether the deceased, who suffered from underlying dementia, had had testamentary capacity to execute a will in favour of a defendant who was not a relative.

  • Analysis

    TA v AA (by his Litigation friend, the Official Solicitor)


    Application for appeal against the dismissal of an application under section 21A, Mental Capacity Act 2005.

  • Simon Leney

    New year, old values


    In an increasingly commercialised world, the traditional values of professionalism seem less and less appreciated. Which makes them all the more important for solicitors in a liberalised market, says Simon Leney, Private Client Section chair

  • News

    ‘Longer-term future of the system of the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights’


    The Law Society has responded to an open call for information, proposals and views from the Council of Europe’s Committee of experts on the reform of the European Court of Human Rights (DH-GDR). The open call was for information, proposals and views on the issue of the longer-term reform of ...

  • Influencing Factors

    Influencing factors


    Rosanna Foskett examines the recent judgment in Hart and Samways v Burbidge, which illustrates how the courts will apply the principle of presumed undue influence, even where such influence was not intentional

  • Rob Cope

    Asking the question


    By making clients aware of the option of leaving a small charitable gift from their estate once friends and family have been looked after, solicitors can make a huge difference to many good causes, writes Rob Cope

  • Fertility Tests

    Fertility tests


    Patricia Wass looks at how the Court of Protection cases approaches sterilisation and abortion

  • Sima Pankhania

    Back to basics 30: Tax reliefs


    Sima Pankhania and Richard Mannion consider the various tax and investment reliefs available to private clients in managing their personal tax liabilities. In particular, the taxes covered here are income tax, capital gains tax (CGT) and inheritance tax (IHT).

  • David Bennett

    Statement of intent


    The 2013 autumn statement was quickly followed by the draft 2014 Finance Bill, containing 673 pages of tax changes. David Bennett summarises those most relevant to you and your clients