All Private Client Solicitors articles – Page 17

  • open door

    Wills in a time of social distancing and self-isolation


    Social distancing and self-isolation, coupled with the sudden increase in demand for wills and lasting powers of attorney (LPAs), are presenting unique challenges for private client practitioners. Lesley King and Roman Kubiak consider how to tackle these issues – at a safe distance.

  • information

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice and updates


    We know members will have questions about the implications of COVID-19. We’re keeping the coronavirus situation under review. Our online resources will be updated regularly to reflect the most recent guidance

  • Tablet and documents

    Electronically signed deeds are legal, lord chancellor confirms


    In a written statement on 3 March 2020, the lord chancellor confirmed that documents signed electronically have legal force in England and Wales.

  • jigsaw with a missing piece

    Missing: date of presumed death


    When someone goes missing and is never found, the date of their presumed death can impact who inherits their property. Lesley King considers the issues that can arise.

  • Working out invoices with a calculator

    Double regional seminars: Tax law and trust creation (June 2020)

    Our Private Client Section regional double seminars are normally a great opportunity both learn and to get together over wine and snacks. COVID-19 has postponed our face to face events, but our learning and networking will continue using our new online interactive webinar platform.

  • Brokenpiggy

    Closure of the Solicitors’ Indemnity Fund


    The Solicitors’ Indemnity Fund will close on 30 September 2020. This may leave former principles of law firms liable for future claims. Make sure you’re prepared.

  • wills-a-practical-guide-king-gausden

    Prep talk


    Caroline Woodham reviews the second edition of a practical guide to preparing a will and avoiding the issues that can lead to litigation

  • Place in the sun - beach house next to sea

    A place in the sun


    Angharad Lynn looks at the issues involved when succession planning for clients with homes abroad

  • nick-latimir-600x400

    Needs must


    For parents of children with learning needs, planning for the time when they are no longer able to care for them can be daunting and difficult. Nick Latimir, who has a child with autism, details some of the options available 

  • Fiona Heald

    Morning matters


    Fiona Heald explains how we’re trialling a new early start for some Section events, based on feedback from last year’s equality and diversity survey

  • Paul Saunders

    Let it be


    In a sluggish property market, it may be tempting for fiduciaries to let a property rather than allow it to stand empty and drain the value of an estate. But, as Paul Saunders explains, there are issues to consider, and regulatory and financial implications if you get it wrong 

  • Feature

    Junior league


    An anonymous junior lawyer lists some of the things they wish they’d known when first starting out in their career in private client practice

  • sophie-o-connell-600x400

    Instruction manual


    Private client solicitors are increasingly requesting capacity assessments for their clients. Sophie O’Connell discusses how to instruct a mental capacity assessor with Judy Wurr and Sarah Post, both experienced independent mental capacity assessors

  • fiona-du-feu-600x400

    Get the message


    In the second of a two-part article on effective client communication, Fiona du Feu looks at the different – and not always obvious – ways in which clients may be vulnerable, and how your firm can best support them

  • paul-maddock-600x400

    Generation gaps


    Paul Maddock discusses some of the legal and social issues faced by older LGBT+ people that can often be overlooked by private client solicitors

  • Alberto Perez Cedillo

    DAC in the game


    A new European directive seeks to boost transparency and to tackle what it sees as aggressive cross-border tax planning, by placing reporting obligations on intermediaries and taxpayers. Alberto Perez Cedillo explains

  • Julie Butler

    Country life


    With the Office of Tax Simplification’s review of lifetime gifts and an ageing farming population, farmers will be considering making lifetime gifts and taking advantage of reliefs while still available. Julie Butler and Fred Butler look at areas of concern for the adviser

  • craig-ward-1500x1000

    Back to basics: Business LPAs


    A business lasting power of attorney enables a business owner to authorise an attorney to make decisions concerning their business interests when they are unavailable or lack capacity. Craig Ward reviews the basics

  • leon-pickering-600x400

    Authority decision


    Leon Pickering examines a recent Court of Protection decision that raises significant implications relating to the authority of attorneys to use a donor’s money to benefit others

  • jacoby-600x400

    Assessing the situation


    Professor Robin Jacoby discusses his long and varied career in medico-legal practice