All Private Client Solicitors articles – Page 19
A place in the sun
Angharad Lynn looks at the issues involved when succession planning for clients with homes abroad
Needs must
For parents of children with learning needs, planning for the time when they are no longer able to care for them can be daunting and difficult. Nick Latimir, who has a child with autism, details some of the options available
Morning matters
Fiona Heald explains how we’re trialling a new early start for some Section events, based on feedback from last year’s equality and diversity survey
Junior league
An anonymous junior lawyer lists some of the things they wish they’d known when first starting out in their career in private client practice
Instruction manual
Private client solicitors are increasingly requesting capacity assessments for their clients. Sophie O’Connell discusses how to instruct a mental capacity assessor with Judy Wurr and Sarah Post, both experienced independent mental capacity assessors
Get the message
In the second of a two-part article on effective client communication, Fiona du Feu looks at the different – and not always obvious – ways in which clients may be vulnerable, and how your firm can best support them
Generation gaps
Paul Maddock discusses some of the legal and social issues faced by older LGBT+ people that can often be overlooked by private client solicitors
DAC in the game
A new European directive seeks to boost transparency and to tackle what it sees as aggressive cross-border tax planning, by placing reporting obligations on intermediaries and taxpayers. Alberto Perez Cedillo explains
Country life
With the Office of Tax Simplification’s review of lifetime gifts and an ageing farming population, farmers will be considering making lifetime gifts and taking advantage of reliefs while still available. Julie Butler and Fred Butler look at areas of concern for the adviser
Back to basics: Business LPAs
A business lasting power of attorney enables a business owner to authorise an attorney to make decisions concerning their business interests when they are unavailable or lack capacity. Craig Ward reviews the basics
Authority decision
Leon Pickering examines a recent Court of Protection decision that raises significant implications relating to the authority of attorneys to use a donor’s money to benefit others
Assessing the situation
Professor Robin Jacoby discusses his long and varied career in medico-legal practice
Accidental interests in possession
Lesley King considers why it’s important to think through the inheritance tax consequences of giving a right to occupy.
Equal inheritance tax for EU and non-EU taxpayers
Spain’s highest court has considered that Spanish inheritance tax rules discriminate against non-EU residents. Alberto Perez Cedillo summarises the decision.
Elderly and vulnerable client care conference (October 2020)
Our Private Client Section conference focused on the unique challenges of elderly and vulnerable clients.
Private Client Section annual conference week (On Demand)
Hear from expert speakers in our recorded webinars, to equip you with the very latest thinking on private client work.
Double regional seminars: Older or incapable clients (OnDemand)
Download the slides and notes from this double seminar in February 2020, which focused on support for older or incapable clients, and was delivered by two of the top solicitors in private client law.
Cross border conference: The new international landscape (6 March 2020, London)
Our 2020 cross border conference will help you to keep on top of the increasingly complex and changing environment of international private client work.
Young voices
There have been a number of controversial recent cases at the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal involving junior lawyers pressured into making unethical decisions. Richard Burnham looks at how law firms can create an ethical culture and support millennials in making ethical decisions