All Private Client Solicitors articles – Page 22

  • fiona-heald-600x400

    Speaking from experience


    Fiona Heald shares her frustration that solicitors’ knowledge and experience seems to count for less these days in the eyes of the public

  • David Mulholland

    Meeting expectations


    Regulators have been taking a keener interest of late in how professional services firms protect their vulnerable clients. What level of service should you expect from financial advisers in this area? David Mulholland explains

  • Property claims - hands reaching out towards a house

    So you claim


    Tom Dumont rounds up the latest claims brought under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975, including by cohabitees, spouses and young children

  • Matrimonial property regimes - house inside a wedding ring

    Regime change


    Many European countries have marital property regimes which govern the ownership of property between spouses. While there are no such regimes in the UK, new EU regulations will still affect British couples with property abroad. Nicole Gallop Mildon and Álvaro Aznar Azcárate explain

  • Fiona Heald

    Concerned caller


    Despite the news that investigations into lasting powers of attorney are on the rise, Fiona Heald has noticed a trend in members of the public struggling to get their concerns taken seriously. Here she explains what you can do if you get a call asking for help

  • Robert Hunter

    Fraud buster


    Robert Hunter is an internationally acclaimed trusts, fraud and asset-tracing solicitor with over 35 years’ experience. He is also profoundly deaf. He discusses what law firms could do better dealing with colleagues with sensory disabilities

  • Burial

    Burial rights


    From organising a ‘green’ burial to handling family disputes over ashes, Amy Berry discusses some of the complex issues that can arise in the aftermath of a person’s death

  • sheree green 140x96

    Back to basics: Welfare deputyships


    Sheree Green reviews the basics on welfare deputyships, and looks at why so few have been appointed

  • piles coins money

    Write to your MP about the new probate fees


    The government is attempting to raise probate fees – we are calling on our members to write to their local MP to urgently raise concerns regarding this stealth tax

  • international globe earth

    Cross border conference (7 March 2019, London)

    International private client work is an increasingly complex and changing environment. Stay up to date by attending our 2019 cross border conference.  Advance booking now open. 

  • Signing document

    Webinar: Lasting powers of attorney (OnDemand)


    This webinar will look at recent developments and points in practice for deputies and attorneys.

  • Dog on empty sofa

    Webinar: managing estates regarding ashes, pets and possessions (OnDemand)

    This webinar will help you understand and stay up to date with both a broad understanding of the detail in this niche area of probate law.

  • ministry of justice

    MoJ consults on code of practice for Mental Capacity Act


    The Ministry of Justice is calling for evidence on the code of practice for the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA 2005). The consultation closes on 7 March 2019.

  • pound sign

    A stealthy new year: probate fees


    Lesley King comments on recent developments in the private client sector, such as the controversial increase in probate fees and new wording for grant applications.

  • Bitcoin

    HMRC publishes guidance on cryptocurrency taxation


    HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has published guidance on how individuals possessing cryptoassets may be taxed.

  • ministry of justice

    Government under fire for failure to check probate 'stealth tax' costs


    Government officials have not assessed the cost of administering probate for high value estates, despite plans to introduce increased charges, it has emerged. 

  • signing document

    Undue influence: what is sufficient legal advice?


    Roman Kubiak considers two contentious probate cases: an attorney’s application to be appointed as substitute personal representative in place of a donor; and a property transfer set aside for presumed undue influence.

  • Elderly hands

    Elderly and vulnerable client care conference (18 October 2019, London)

    Booking is open for our elderly and vulnerable client care conference 2019, which will take place on 18 October at the Law Society in London.

  • Sarah Brodie

    Loud and clear


    From 6 December, law firms undertaking a number of common areas of work – including probate – will need to publish price- and service-related information on their websites. Sarah Brodie looks at what this could mean in practice

  • Fiona Heald

    Capacity confusion


    Modern institutions are well-equipped to handle a person’s death. So why do so many struggle once someone has lost capacity, asks Fiona Heald