Features and Opinion – Page 2

  • Jo Morris 600x400

    The big five


    Jo Morris outlines the changes brought in by the Fifth Anti-Money Laundering Directive, and what you need to do to ensure your firm is compliant

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    Cashflow forecasting: Forewarned is forearmed?


    Barry Wilkinson and Andrew Harris talk about cashflow forecasting in their new podcast. 

  • Andrew Allen

    Coronavirus – practical financial and tax guidance to law firms


    Andrew Allen collates guidance for law firms to help them through the coming weeks and months when they face the business challenges arising from coronavirus (COVID-19).

  • alex-shacklock-600x400

    Money matters


    Law firms face the challenge of managing the tension between professionalism and commercialism. Most provide high-quality advice to clients, but many struggle with capturing a fair share of that value and turning output into profit and cash. Alex Shacklock looks at how to improve commercial performance in any law firm

  • Paul McCluskey

    On the money


    In the first of a new series, Paul McCluskey looks at how law firm banking has changed in the last decade, and what impact third-party managed accounts could have in future

  • Yarman Vachha

    Zero hero


    Zero-based budgeting is often seen as a cost-cutting exercise, but used strategically, it can help you grow your business. Yarman Vachha explains the benefits of the approach, and how to implement it in your firm

  • Scott Campbell

    Pay heed


    In April, the government is planning to make changes to IR35 – the rules around the tax treatment of off-payroll contractors. Scott Campbell explains the changes, and how they could apply to your firm

  • Zulon Begum

    Raising your game


    From partner capital calls to public listing, there are many options for law firms looking to raise capital for growth and investment. Zulon Begum looks at the challenges and benefits of each approach

  • Rosy Rourke

    Be prepared


    The new SRA Accounts Rules will come into force on 25 November 2019. Rosy Rourke of Armstrong Watson outlines the changes, and what law firms should be doing now to prepare

  • Andy Harris

    A sneak preview


    The 2019 Law Management Section Financial Benchmarking Survey will be published very soon. In the meantime, Andy Harris , lead author of the report, gives a sneak peek at some of the key findings

  • Data - woman holding a phone connecting to a chain of information blocks

    Information is power


    The idea of being a data-driven business can sound intimidating – something best left to PhD statisticians and data scientists. But monitoring data at your firm doesn’t need to be difficult, and it can bring real benefits. Derek Fitzpatrick explains

  • Barry Wilkinson

    Hard cash


    Law firms often focus on profits, but cashflow is far more important to the success of your firm, says Barry Wilkinson. But what are the key causes of cashflow difficulties, how can you tackle them, and how can you avoid them in future?

  • social media icons

    Social media, data protection and cybersecurity best practice


    It can be a struggle to understand the nature of social media. The top 10 law firms in the UK think that cyber threats are a major concern when using social media platforms.

  • Sally Azarmi

    Share and share alike


    New coworking and shared workspaces are popping up all over England and Wales. But can they work for law firms? Sally Azarmi outlines the benefits she’s found since she started coworking

  • Piggy bank

    How to find your ideal banking partner and make the move


    With the RBS Business Banking Switch launching on 25 February, more firms than ever will be weighing up a move to a new bank. Sara Hutton explains what you need to consider.

  • Andrew Allen

    Blow-by-blow account


    Andrew Allen provides an overview of the changes to the SRA Accounts Rules, expected to come into force in April 2019. What are the challenges and opportunities, and what do firms need to do now to prepare?

  • Andrew Otterburn

    The road ahead


    Members of the Law Management Section committee led sessions at a roadshow this winter to highlight the opportunities and challenges in the year ahead for law firm financial advisers and finance directors. Andrew Otterburn reports back

  • Outside-380x254

    Outside voice


    External investment is increasingly common in the legal sector, and for all sizes of firm. But is it for you? Tom Blandford helps you decide

  • Robert Postlethwaite

    Share and share alike


    Involving employees in the ownership of a business can improve performance, motivate your people, promote team spirit and cohesion, and support succession planning. Robert Postlethwaite looks at the options for law firms

  • Vanessa Ugatti

    Worth every penny


    Lawyers are not good at charging their true worth. They take their expertise for granted. They go out of their way to deliver for clients. But if you charge your true worth, you will generate more income without having to get more clients. Vanessa Ugatti explains