All Risk and Compliance articles – Page 4
SRA Transparency Rules and the advantages of being open about pricing (OnDemand)
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9 things for your risk radar in 2024
Andrea Cohen outlines what’s on the regulatory horizon and sets out what should be on your risk radar in the coming year
Disciplinary case update
Nigel West considers two Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal cases – one regarding a failure to act in the best interests of a client and another on fines for sexual harassment
On the regulatory radar – 3 hot topics
Tracey Calvert outlines what’s on the regulator’s radar for the coming year and sets out some action points on how to be proactive in planning for compliance challenges
Can cyber risks impact on your PII premium?
Lindsay Hill, Mitigo chief executive officer, answers some key questions about the impact of cyber risks on professional indemnity insurance
The challenge of challenging behaviour
Rebecca Atkinson explores the SRA’s new fair treatment rule
Standard bearers
The challenge for any profession is to ensure that its members not only meet the requisite standard to be admitted into the profession, but also that they maintain those standards. This is partly from self-interest – the pride of a profession of the standard which distinguishes it ...
A fair hearing?
Susanna Heley and Nigel West consider the SRA’s recent guidance on its approach to fines and decision-making in disciplinary cases, and outline some of the practical issues this raises
AI risk landscape
Jessica Clay looks at the regulatory landscape developing for the use of artificial intelligence in England and Wales and around the world
Banking on it
Jonathon Bray considers why a solicitor’s client account cannot be used as a ‘banking facility’ – and how to stay safe
Copyright and ESG: Ethical imperatives for compliance and responsibility
Colin Hulme, head of intellectual property (IP) at Burness Paull, considers the impact of environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) programmes on the observance of copyright by corporates
Sanctions – new prohibitions
Julie Norris and Alfie Cranmer provide an update on changes to sanctions affecting those providing legal advisory services in the UK
AI – the data risks
With artificial intelligence much in the news lately, Robert Bond considers the data protection risks it presents to law firms
Quality indicators – does your firm match up?
Jayne Willetts and Bronwen Still consider the key findings of a recent pilot scheme run by the legal regulators on improving quality indicators in the legal sector
Consultancy matters
Lucy Trevelyan looks at the increasing popularity of the consultancy model of providing legal services
Regulating behaviour
Jessica Clay and Lucinda Soon summarise how the SRA can regulate solicitors’ behaviour in and out of the workplace, and analyse in what circumstances they will choose to take action
Insurance matters
The Building Safety Act 2022 has introduced new risks and the impact on the PI insurance market is still unknown. Piers Winton, director at Paragon International Insurance Brokers, looks at what’s in the Act and outlines the risks it poses for law firms