Recent IT – Page 3

  • cyber security

    The 007 approach to cyber-attack


    Law firms have now largely woken up to the dangers of cybercrime, but even firms that have done their utmost to secure their IT systems are vulnerable to a new threat, explains Stuart Poole-Robb

  • 14845 linkedin social media icon

    Growing your bottom line in 2016: Is LinkedIn worth YOUR time? Part 2


    In part 2 of their guide to using LinkedIn as a business tool, Emily Miller and Susan Kench explain how to build and engage with your network 

  • future of legal services logo

    Full steam ahead


    A new Law Society report predicts what the future might look like for the legal sector. Three members of the Law Management Section committee outline their own approaches to future-proofing your firm in an uncertain market

  • nigel wright 140x96

    Cloud of suspicion


    The legal sector is clearly sceptical about cloud services – only 15 per cent of law firms currently use the technology. But, says Nigel Wright, the rest are missing out on real benefits to their business, people and clients.

  • cyber security 200x133

    Why 2015 was the tipping point for cybersecurity


    Paul Gribbon explains why 2015 was a watershed year for cybersecurity 

  • 14845 linkedin social media icon

    Growing your bottom line in 2016: Is LinkedIn worth YOUR time? Part 1


    Emily Miller and Susan Kench explain how LinkedIn can help smaller law firms to generate and support the relationships that grow their client base

  • Takingnames

    Taking names


    Identity theft – especially the creation by cybercriminals of bogus firms – is one the biggest risks facing law firms today. But there are some simple steps you can take to mitigate the risk. Rhonda Treacy-Hales explains

  • Peter Wright

    Tech breakthrough


    Peter Wright, director of DigitalLawUK, talks to Diana Bentley about setting up his niche firm

  • Search engine

    Only connect


    Many law firms spend most of their online marketing budget on search engine optimisation and pay-per-click advertising. But Graham Jones advocates for a different approach, which could cost you nothing and generate far more business

  • David Gilroy

    Who do you know?


    David Gilroy explains how effective client relationship management can help you keep and win clients, and how to get it right in practice

  • Francis dingwall

    A tangled web


    It has been said that there are two types of firms: those that know they have been attacked by cybercriminals, and those that don’t yet know. Francis Dingwall looks at how to prevent attacks, and how to mitigate them when they do happen

  • Richard Kerr

    Software and tear


    Major IT change projects are notoriously prone to failure, leaving a business out of pocket and without the changes it needed to compete effectively. Richard Kerr presents a six-step process to avoid some of the common pitfalls

  • Hope for the best

    Hope for the best


    Recent years have seen the UK suffer from flooding, swine flu, hacking scandals and many other disasters that could affect law firms. Lisa Hesketh explains how business continuity planning can help if the worst happens – and the other benefits it can bring

  • james knight

    Spreading the word


    Keystone Law managing director James Knight on becoming a ‘dispersed’ law firm

  • Ray O'Connor

    Talking points


    In the second of a series on the risks of using social media in law firms, Ray O’Connor looks at how to mitigate risk in order to reap the benefits of social media for your firm, your people and your clients

  • Careless Talk image

    Careless talk


    Social media is now a key communications and marketing channel for most law 
firms, but not all of them anticipate or seek to mitigate the major risks it could pose to their business. Ray O’Connor explains

  • Matt Rhodes

    When disaster strikes


    The threats from natural or man-made disasters and cyber-hacking make IT disaster recovery planning a critical subject for modern law firms. Matt Rhodes looks at some options for protecting your systems and data

  • Deborah Atkins

    Back to front


    Deborah Atkins explains how streamlining back office processes through new technology can free up time for HR staff to focus on attraction and retention, developing fee-earners’ skills and improving client satisfaction

  • Buzzwords

    Beyond the buzzwords


    Joanna Goodman looks at how mid-sized law firms are choosing between the seemingly endless range of technology options, to develop their business, serve clients and equip themselves for the changing market

  • Managing for Success February 2013 cover image

    Managing for Success February 2013


    This edition features the Financial Benchmarking Survey, ABSs, retirement planning, regulatory change, a business health check, data protection, client care letters, PR, change management, risk management, fees for PI work, and pensions auto-enrolment