Recent IT – Page 2

  • Data - woman holding a phone connecting to a chain of information blocks

    Information is power


    The idea of being a data-driven business can sound intimidating – something best left to PhD statisticians and data scientists. But monitoring data at your firm doesn’t need to be difficult, and it can bring real benefits. Derek Fitzpatrick explains

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    Virtuous cycle


    IT compliance is a challenge for any business, and particularly those in the legal sector. But you can simplify and streamline the process by implementing a continuous compliance culture – and technology can help. Javid Khan explains

  • glasses-in-front-of-coding-screen-on-laptop-380x254

    Should we invest in AI? Priorities and threats to the high street firm


    Joe Reevy offers his personal perspective on why law firms need to keep their focus commercial and to avoid getting distracted by the next big thing.

  • Innovate - hand selecting lightbulb ideas

    Bright ideas


    Clients are demanding innovation from their legal advisers, and not only in relation to technology. So how can law firms develop a culture and process which fosters innovation in an effective way? Alastair Beddow and Ben Kent explain

  • Neil Ford

    Tangled web


    Neil Ford discusses how cybersecurity trends seen in 2017 are likely to develop in 2018, and outlines how you can affordably mitigate the threats your firm faces, while meeting increasingly complex compliance obligations

  • digits falling from a cloud into a box

    Future shock?


    The legal press is full of stories about emerging technology, but is it really beneficial – and viable – for small to medium-sized firms? Dan Taylor believes it is, and that firms which don’t innovate now risk getting left behind

  • Susan Hallam

    The highest bidder?


    Pay-per-click advertising is now a key part of marketing for law firms, but should you also consider bidding on your competitors’ keywords? Susan Hallam looks at the benefits and risks

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    All systems go


    Procuring and implementing a new case or practice management system is a huge project, and one that Ann Harrison knows well: her firm is just two months after go-live. Here, she provides some tips on how to get the process right in your own firm

  • rohit talwar

    Full steam ahead


    Disruptive technologies have been a hot topic in the legal sector in recent years, but what does this mean for people working in the sector? Rohit Talwar, Steve Wells and Alexandra Whittington look at the risks – and the opportunities.  

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    In the balance


    The legal press is full of stories about the risks of the new General Data Protection Regulation, but might there be an upside to compliance? Ann Harrison looks at the potential benefits – as well as the burdens and risks. 

  • person holding floppy disk

    Under control?


    Do you know that your law firm is a data controller under the new General Data Protection Regulation, and you must comply with them, or face fines of up to €20m or four per cent of your annual global turnover? Owen O’Rorke provides a beginner’s guide to compliance

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    Window of opportunity


    Gavin Ward explains how firms can use their websites and online presence to grow the reputation of their solicitors, practice areas and sector groups, acquire new clients from the internet, and ultimately succeed online

  • neil quantick 140x96

    Walking papers


    In 2008, Quanticks was one of the first law firms to go completely paperless. Neil Quantick explains why he made the switch, how you can do the same, and the benefits it can bring

  • Sue Bramall

    Site for sore eyes


    If you’re looking to relaunch your firm’s website, or develop a site for a new firm, you need to know the common pitfalls to avoid, to give you the best chance of success. Sue Bramall and Peter Wright offer some real-life cautionary tales

  • hand grabbing phones

    Turning the conversation


    From social media to review sites, there are conversations going on out there about your business. You need to know how to react when one of those turns negative, so you can avoid lasting damage to your online reputation. David Gilroy explains

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    Spread the word


    Law firms are increasingly recognising the value of content marketing to showcase their expertise, but there is no point writing great content if it cannot be found by potential clients. Gavin Ward provides his 10 top tips for effective online content distribution

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    Robot wars


    The last few years have seen increased speculation about the impact of artificial intelligence on the legal sector and, in particular, on the timing of that impact. Tony Williams looks at the challenges and opportunities presented by the new technology

  • charles christian 140x96

    Big thinking


    Big data isn’t about sheer volume of data – it’s about how to use the data available to make effective business-critical decisions. As Charles Christian explains, it can help you to understand your business better, recognise trends and improve performance

  • allnutt hans 140x96

    Cover me


    Hans Allnutt and Helen Nuttall explore the risks faced by legal professionals in the ‘cyber age’, and look at the available indemnities under traditional professional indemnity insurance policies and specialist cyber-policies

  • stuart poole robb

    Faking it


    ‘Fakery’, a form of cyber-fraud based on social engineering, is on the rise, but isn’t covered by cyber-insurance. Stuart Poole-Robb explains why law firms need to have a conversation now with their insurer to mitigate the risks if they fall victim.