April 2019

Managing for Success magazine - April 2019 cover - 280x398


Ann Harrison

Lead time


Law Management Section chair Ann Harrison considers what we can learn from Brexit about leadership and the importance of strategic thinking and influencing skills for today’s leaders


Barry Wilkinson

Hard cash


Law firms often focus on profits, but cashflow is far more important to the success of your firm, says Barry Wilkinson. But what are the key causes of cashflow difficulties, how can you tackle them, and how can you avoid them in future?

Data - woman holding a phone connecting to a chain of information blocks

Information is power


The idea of being a data-driven business can sound intimidating – something best left to PhD statisticians and data scientists. But monitoring data at your firm doesn’t need to be difficult, and it can bring real benefits. Derek Fitzpatrick explains


Writing wrongs


Daphne Perry offers some simple writing techniques to improve client service and business returns, looking at probate cases as an example

Jacob Colton

The perfect host


If you’re upgrading, revamping or renewing your website, one key decision you need to make is how and where it should be hosted. Jacob Colton explains the options

Jo-Anne Wild

Lean in


Lean techniques can help you identify inefficiencies in your processes. Jo-Anne Wild presents a beginner’s guide to lean techniques and how to apply them in your own firm

Alex Hatchman

Hatching a plan


Alexandra Hatchman, chief operating officer at Fletchers Solicitors, has transformed her firm in less than two years, and won an Excellence Award for her innovation. Diana Bentley talks to her about her approach, and her plans for the future

Inside job


We all trust our partners, colleagues, employees and advisers. But law firms are often hierarchical, so we can become too reliant on certain individuals. How can we avoid ‘key person risk’? Paul Bennett considers

One year on


It’s been nearly a year since the General Data Protection Regulation came into force. Frank Maher discusses the lessons he has learned since then advising law firms on the legislation

Andy Harris

A sneak preview

By and

The 2019 Law Management Section Financial Benchmarking Survey will be published very soon. In the meantime, Andy Harris , lead author of the report, gives a sneak peek at some of the key findings

Future: Hand holding phone displaying arrows

Upping the stakes


The legal marketplace is increasingly volatile and unpredictable. Harriet Brooke looks at two of the key disruptors – millennials and artificial intelligence – and asks what leadership capabilities you need to future-proof your business

Chris Bull

Better together


Are you looking to improve back-office functions in your firm, and do you want to achieve efficiencies while retaining management oversight? Chris Bull explains why co-sourcing could be for you

Tim Ryan

Chain reaction


We’ve all heard of blockchain. But what is it, how does it work, and why does it matter? Tim Ryan provides a beginner’s guide

Compete - climbing towards flag at top of mountain

Onwards and upwards


Accountancy firms of all sizes are looking to build up their legal offerings. But will this challenge mid-sized law firms, or drive new ways of working together? And what effect will proposed regulatory changes have? Grania Langdon-Down investigates

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