Are you maximising the potential talent that exists in your team?

With an ageing and highly experienced workforce, and changing employee expectations, the legal sector labour market is more competitive than ever.  Employee turnover is not only expensive it can have a negative impact on team performance and the firm’s success.

Facilitated by Patricia Wheatley Burt, director of Trafalgar – The Business People Limited, this breakfast roundtable will help you to think more creatively about the individuals that make up your teams, the kind of development that is right for them, and the best way to reward them. 

This event is aimed at:

•          Managing partners and senior partners

•          Partners with management responsibilities

•          Managers of business support functions in a legal practice

•          Heads of department / support function in a legal practice

•          Chief executives

•          Finance directors

•          Practice managers

•          Sole practitioners

Location: Surrey, TBC

Time: 10:30 – 8:30

Cost: Free 

 Find out more.