Features and Opinion – Page 4

  • Feature

    Under orders


    Paul Bennett explains how law firms should respond to a production order under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002

  • Zoe Bodycote

    On auto-pilot?


    Pensions auto-enrolment has been in force for over three years, but the implementation date for many smaller firms is this October. Are you ready? Zoe Bodycote provides a beginner’s guide to the scheme and the steps you need to take

  • Nicola Jones

    After hours


    The changes to solicitors’ CPD, from an hours-based to a competency-based regime, are now well under way. Nicola Jones outlines the practicalities of compliance with the new system, and the benefits it can bring for firms and the legal sector

  • Tracey Calvert

    Listen up


    In the second of an occasional series on the business benefits of effective compliance, Tracey Calvert looks at how good complaints-handling can help you make continuous improvements to your business, and how you can achieve this in practice

  • Under cover

    Under cover


    After a year when much-heralded proposals to reform the professional indemnity insurance market flared briefly before being snuffed out, will 2015 see any significant changes in the renewal process? Grania Langdon-Down reports

  • Nicola Jones

    Live and learn


    The shift from hours-based CPD to competence to practice, announced in May this year, presents an important opportunity for firms to reassess their learning strategy and ensure it contributes to their business needs. Nicola Jones explains

  • Pearl Moses

    Officer politics


    Pearl Moses looks back at three years of outcomes-focused regulation and two years of the compliance officer regime, and asks what lessons we can learn to ensure compliance in changing times

  • Michelle-Garlick

    The flip side


    It can sometimes feel as though the regulatory obligations imposed upon lawyers only continue to grow. But, as Michelle Garlick and Joanne Smith assert, active compliance can also bring a raft of benefits to your firm

  • George Bull

    Better safe…


    The Solicitors Regulation Authority’s focus on financial stability is part of a wider change to the regulatory environment, and what compliance means in practice. George Bull explains how to assess your firm against the regulator’s risk indicators

  • Richard Lane

    Under the microscope


    For the busy manager of a law firm, few things cause more upset than the unwelcome news that the Forensic Investigation Unit is planning to visit. So what should you expect if it happens to you? Richard Lane explains

  • Open season

    Open season


    Deregulation has changed the legal services market forever. Barry Wilkinson looks at the lessons to be learnt from other deregulated markets, and how law firms can apply those lessons to make sure they succeed

  • Managing for Success February 2013 cover image

    Managing for Success February 2013


    This edition features the Financial Benchmarking Survey, ABSs, retirement planning, regulatory change, a business health check, data protection, client care letters, PR, change management, risk management, fees for PI work, and pensions auto-enrolment  

  • Managing for Success August 2012 cover image

    Managing for Success August 2012


    This edition features ABSs, becoming a niche practice, tax planning, legal project management, using your partner reward system to achieve competitive advantage, and the challenges for legal businesses of the move towards paperless courts  

  • Managing for Success May 2012 cover image

    Managing for Success May 2012


    This edition features the LMS Financial Benchmarking Survey, how to access and use business intelligence, the Lexcel and the Excellence in People standards, ABSs, leadership, compliance planning, whistleblowing, and lean techniques