Features and Opinion – Page 4

  • resolve landscape

    A flying start


    What are your new year’s resolutions for your business in 2016? Top of the list should be analysing and managing profitability, according to John Playfair . He provides his top five tips for improving law firm profits, to ensure you realise your full potential

  • Barry Wilkinson

    Fund of information


    Lending to law firms has changed significantly in recent years, from the old traditional funding market, to a ‘new norm’ with a more sophisticated range of products to suit different parts of the sector. Barry Wilkinson investigates.

  • Exit

    Emergency exit


    With firms feeling increasingly squeezed from all sides, it may seem tempting to divest yourself of underperforming practice areas. But getting it wrong could just make things worse. Grania Langdon-Down looks at the dos and don’ts

  • Fran Gibbons

    Best buy


    The legal sector is seeing a frenzy of mergers and acquisitions activity. But if you want to grow through acquisition, how can you make sure it is self-funding, and achieves your business goals? Fran Gibbons offers an insider’s view

  • Dan Lancaster

    Keep in touch


    Dan Lancaster explains why switching away from traditional communication systems is key to becoming more competitive, and how you can do it successfully.

  • Duncan Wilson

    Flexible friend


    The increased pensions flexibility introduced this April presents new opportunities for law firm owners looking to extract profits from their firms through pensions. Duncan Wilson explains

  • Failing firm book

    Balancing the books


    In our round-up of recent publications on law firm performance, Barry Wilkinson outlines the findings of a survey on the cause of law firm failures in the US, and Paul Bennett reviews a new title on financial management

  • The Solicitor's regulation authority

    Reform of financial management regulation


    Crispin Passmore explains how the SRA intends to reform how it regulates financial management in response to changes in consumer and market behaviours 

  • Jillian Thomas

    An offer they can’t refuse


    Jillian Thomas explains how working with financial planners to offer clients a one-stop-shop for financial and legal advice can build customer loyalty, and help you stand out from the competition

  • Key

    Weights and measures


    Key performance indicators are an essential tool to help you understand how your business is performing, and make improvements to everything from profits to client care. Bernard Marr provides a practical guide – and outlines some of the common pitfalls

  • Andrew Otterburn

    Bench press


    Our 2016 Financial Benchmarking Survey is now open for contributions. We asked a law firm partner and a legal consultant why and how they use the survey to support their work

  • Careers maze

    How can a law firm spread the cost of shareholder exit tax efficiently?


    Andy Poole and Nigel Holmes provide an overview of a common issue with the limited company structure and how to overcome it

  • Costs

    Paying the price


    Clients are more demanding on fees than ever before, and that pressure shows no signs of waning. But how can you set pricing so it’s both acceptable to the client, and sufficiently profitable for the firm? Robert Mowbray outlines a three-step approach

  • Andy Harris

    Hope springs

    The Law Management Section’s 2015 Financial Benchmarking Survey has just been published, and for the first time in many years, the results all suggest positive change in the market. Andy Harris from Hazlewoods introduces the results of the survey

  • Ian Muirhead

    Staking a claim


    The legal regulators are predicting major change for the profession in 2015 in response to market and client pressures. Ian Muirhead presents an overview of potential competitive threats from the financial services

  • Barry Wilkinson

    Is less more?


    The buoyant mood in the legal sector masks a new potential risk for firms: overtrading. Barry Wilkinson explains what it is, why it happens, and why it could spell real problems for law firms in 2015

  • Tony Stockdale

    Taking stock


    When Tony Stockdale began working with Linder Myers, the firm was on the brink of collapse. In conversation with Caroline Roddis, he explains how he turned the firm around, and what he thinks the future holds

  • Andrew Otterburn

    Lock and key


    Setting and monitoring key performance indicators can help law firms to focus on the factors that most affect their success. Andrew Otterburn provides a beginner’s guide

  • Paul McCluskey

    Go with the flow


    With uncertainty around the timing of the next interest rate rise, law firms need to get prepared and ensure that their cashflow is robust enough to weather any financial storms, says Paul McCluskey

  • Prashant Joshi

    Five for fighting


    The recent changes to criminal legal aid have placed unprecedented strain on legal aid firms. Prashant Joshi outlines five options for firms, from closure to merging