Whiplash reforms delayed to August 2020
The launch of the new portal for whiplash claims has been delayed from April to August 2020.
Royal assent for whiplash reforms
Two pieces of legislation came into force just before Christmas which will transform the personal injury sector and set the ball rolling on sweeping court reforms.
Case note: Moreno v Motor Insurers Bureau [2016] UKSC 52
The Supreme Court gave judgment in this case on 2 August 2016, and settled a very important issue: how are damages assessed when a British citizen is injured in an overseas accident?
Nokes v Heart of England Foundation NHS Trust [2015] EWHC B6 (Costs)
In one of the first judgments since the Jackson reforms, Master Leonard has given useful guidance on the extent of recoverability of post-LASPO ATE premiums in medical negligence claims
Burrett v Mencap Ltd [2014] EW Misc B50 (CC)
A hearing to determine the costs consequences of a variation to a Part 36 offer.
Library FAQ: Scott schedules
The Law Society Library lists resources which contain precedents for Scott schedules
Cox v Ergo Versicherung AG [2014] UKSC 22
The Supreme Court has ruled on the law applicable to claims in respect of fatal accidents where the accident happened abroad. The Fatal Accidents Act 1976 does not have universal application.
Rehill v Rider Holdings [2014] EWCA Civ 42
Court of Appeal ruled in favour of the defendant on withdrawn part 36 offer to settle a personal injury claim made when the claimant knew his prognosis was clear, and orders the dishonest claimant to pay litigation costs.