Member talks: back to basics: privilege
Exploring legal professional privilege, without prejudice privilege, and the evolving implications of AI on privilege.
Member talk: mental health for litigators
In this 30-minute member talk, Leah Alpren-Waterman asks Richard Martin from the Mindful Business Charter, and Matthew Fitzwater from Barclays about their experience and views on mental health for litigators.
Member talk - Litigator’s Survival Guide: Best tips from judges in conducting litigation
This session is focused on how documents can be managed and presented at trial.
Churchill v Merthyr Tydfil and the ADR duty
Masood Ahmed considers the implications of the Churchill v Merthyr Tydfil ruling
Rea v Rea and undue influence claims
Rajinder Rai examines the judgment in Rea v Rea, and the implications for claims of undue influence