Test – Page 131

  • constance mcdonnell 84x84

    Willing and able?


    Constance McDonnell looks at the complexities of assessing testamentary capacity remotely, including in online will-making, and whether solicitors should proceed with an instruction if there is uncertainty as to capacity

  • toni carver 84x84

    ISA on the prize


    Making use of the annual ISA allowance is one of the simplest ways to shelter tax investments efficiently, but one that many more investors could take advantage of. Toni Carver rounds up some recent changes to the ISA regime

  • hand holding balloons 1000x3000

    Giving you the benefits


    There are many welfare benefits available to elderly clients who satisfy the appropriate criteria, but this is a complex and rapidly changing area of the law. Nicola August and Val Prosser provide a guide to the major benefits, and how you can challenge a decision

  • Alberto Pérez Cedillo

    Spanish ties


    Nine months after it came into force, Alberto Perez Cedillo addresses the impact of the Brussels IV regulation on cross-border successions in Spain – and details other Spanish internal laws you need to be aware of when dealing with an estate

  • linked in 1000x1000

    Link in the chain


    Susan Kench and Emily Miller help you get to grips with LinkedIn and explain why it is worth a private client solicitor’s time

  • Henrietta Mason

    Back to Basics: Removing and retiring trustees and PRs


    Removing a fellow professional fiduciary

  • Patrick Connolly

    Reduced circumstances


    The case for pensions has become more compelling over recent years, with increased flexibility and lower tax charges. However, a number of recent changes have reduced how much higher earners in particular can benefit. Patrick Connolly explains

  • Adam Boyle

    Power play


    In the aftermath of Miles & Beattie v The Public Guardian, the law is in a state of confusion in respect of what can be specified about a joint power of attorney in a lasting power of attorney. Adam Boyle looks in detail at the judgment

  • stephen kavanagh 84x84

    All good advice


    The 2013 Retail Distribution Review drastically altered the financial advice landscape. Stephen Kavanagh looks at the pressures on financial advisers, and what it could mean for the future – and independence – of financial advice

  • Hand writing an essay

    Graham Turnbull Lecture


    On 21 April 2016, David Anderson QC, Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation, delivered the lecture ‘Terrorism and the Law’ at the Law Society for the Graham Turnbull awards.

  • Cait Sweeney NEW

    Mendes v Hochtief (UK) Construction Ltd [2016] EWHC 976 (QB)


    Mr Justice Coulson has ruled that a claimant could recover trial advocacy fees under CPR 45 when a claim settled on the day of the hearing, before the trial was heard

  • Tobias Haynes

    Opportunity knocks: highlights from the spring conference


    Tobias Haynes reports back from this year’s Section spring conference

  • Nicola Jones

    The final countdown


    The changes to continuing professional development will be mandatory from 1 November 2016. Nicola Jones and Jane Green-Armytage look at how firms are responding, and the pros and cons of adapting the old regime versus embracing a competency-based approach

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    First things first


    A clear understanding of your firm’s brand – at its simplest, what it sells, to whom, and why – is an essential first step in ensuring you deploy your marketing resource effectively to win the business you want. Ben Kamble explains

  • Sally Azarmi

    Running for my life


    Sally Azarmi began training for the London Marathon last year, despite never having run competitively before, and having a painful condition in one leg. And the training taught her more about running her law firm than she ever could have expected

  • barry vitou 140x96

    A gentle nudge


    Why don’t most compliance programmes work in practice? Because the traditional theory on which they are based doesn’t take into account how people really behave. Barry Vitou looks at what we can learn from a more recent approach: nudge theory

  • darryl cooke 140x96

    Gunning for success


    With a distinguished career as a law firm partner behind him, Darryl Cooke co-founded a law firm, gunnercooke, on an innovative new model. He explains to Duncan Wood how the firm is challenging the way that legal services are delivered 

  • stuart poole robb

    Faking it


    ‘Fakery’, a form of cyber-fraud based on social engineering, is on the rise, but isn’t covered by cyber-insurance. Stuart Poole-Robb explains why law firms need to have a conversation now with their insurer to mitigate the risks if they fall victim.